What a way to start your day

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Bill Hutchison

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
Got to work this morning and there was a dead body lying next to our parking garage.
not what I was expecting to read, but at least your day is starting better than his.
Trust me not what I was expecting I was thinking that I should of took off and went fishing.
Hutch - Any more detail on what happened?? Figure the police have been out and all that stuff. Did you find it first? MAN I agree with Velcro "at least your day is starting better than his."
No I got here at 6am and came in the front side he was on the back and someone found him around 6:30... The police just left he was there for awhile when they turned him over he was stiff so he had to off been there over night did not see any trama ? I guess it will come out later in the news. And as fare as my day I'll take my worst day ever over his God look over him.
I can think of a few people at work I would like to "turn up missing"......but not dead. :D

Sorry about your day.