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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Went fishing today to do some fishing up at Ft. Gibson lake in NE Oklahoma. Had a blast fishing. We caught some fish and all was good except....

My 332c gave out, it wont turn on or do anything

I broke off the transducer to the x125 up front

I spun the hub 15 miles from the boat ramp. I had 2 spares hubs but no prop wrench...so that was great. A nice man drove me to my truck while my buddy waited with the boat.

We were planning on getting home around 7 but its now 10:20 and I just walked in the door
Dang Boy!!!! I can't wait to see what kind of luck you have for the tournament.:blink: And on Ft. Gibson too....not like you were running around on Fork or Bell Cow.

Just take a deep breath and get out your credit card.

"Isn't boat ownership FUN"... Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't... But, it beats not owning a boat every time!:lol:
Rough day...

Check your fuse holder for the 332. The fuse could be blown or correded a bit. While you have it open, expand the spring a little bit to help with the tension on the fuse.

I took the 332 out and put my 125 in the console. This morning I took the boat in and took the 332 with me. When I picked it up water started dripping out of it. I shook the unit and could hear water in it.
Make sure you have it mounted on the deck and not the hull!:lol:

Good luck with the electronic problems. As I was told when I bought my first boat. If there are electronics and water in the same area, the water will almost aways win!

BJ, I have an x102 on the bow of my boat ...it is the same unit less the GPS...and it did the exact same thing. just from running in a rain shower. Send it in and they will send u another...no problem.

Hey BJ, I've got an extra, an Eagle LMS 480, if you need to borrow it until you get fixed up. Let me know...you've got my #.
