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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
i thought yesterday was bad.....


why am i playing golf again? First of the match today got cancelled, but we went out and played 9 holes anyway for practice. I'M STILL TRYING TO WARM UP!!!!!

today was teh longest day of my life. not a lot of hw but just slow at school.

oh yeah..it only took my 7 holes to actually hit a good ball off the tee. everything else i knicked it and sent it like 15-35 feet down...

You know what happens if your drive doesn't make it past the ladies tee, right?
well they would roll...but there was probly 2 time it didnt get past the ladies tee

Yeah but you didn't answer the question BJ. What do you do if you don't hit past the Ladies tee?

Hmmm....how to put this nicely...well, you have to play the hole...ummm....let's see, I through out the phrase "male anatomy" ..... and then maybe after you think about that you can insert the word, "out" ....umm well that's what you gotta do...at least where I'm from in Iowa!
keep your head down...how many times have i heard that...and not always at the golf course!
You're probably making contact with the ball on the "up swing". This is usually caused by trying to lift the ball into the air by using your arms.

Allow the face of the club to lift the ball by making contact at the last moment of your down swing or at the bottom of your swing. With irons, you can get your best trajectory by first contacting the ball then let the club take out a little turf just after the ball.

Hope it helps