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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I went down to the lake i have a tourny on coming up. It was incredible.. I found some fish flipping grass. Good fish too. If today was teh tourny i would have had around 12-13 pound sack. I'll be headed back out there tomorrow to hopefull try to establish a back up plan.

now for a kinda funny story...

I'm driving home...and i hear a siren and sure enough there is this cop on my tail. I'm only going about 2 to 3 mph over (had cruise set, i was on the highway leaving the lake). I'm trying to figure out why he's pulling me over. I thought maybe i had a trailer light out..but that wouldnt be it. it was still daylight when i left. I also remembered that I left my new insurance cards on the table. I didnt have an updated proof of inusurance...Anyway i pull over scared to death and he speeds past me and gets the car in front of me!

Don't beat up the areas you find practicing! I've had that Police thing happen to me too B.J. It scares the heck out of you.

i'm not going to touch what i found today

i've got about 5 banks right now that are similar and are holding fish the key is patience.

Tomorrow i'll focus on rip rap areas..only prob...is that this lake only has one rip rap area....the dam..thats it. everthing else is grass and dirt.

Hey BJ, what lake were you at? I think I'm going to go up to Bell Cow tomorrow. First time out since football season. I hope my motor starts.

Good luck at the tournement.


Oh yeah I ment to tell you. I was going down Broadway Extension the other day and was holding my speed right on 60 because I knew they have reeealy been cracking down there. Some jerk comes flying up behind me so fast I thought he was going to hit me. I'm in the middle lane so I feel no obligation to move over so as soon as he can he goes whipping around and weaves back and forth through traffic. Well, I'm sure you can guess the rest of the story...sure enough about two mile further down an un-marked Ford Expedition Highway Patrol has him pulled over. JUSTICE PREVAILS!!

Was that on the hot side? What are the temps in the regular lakes?

I didnt go to the cold side. I fished the lake about 3 weeks ago and the cold side was 54ish. Its probably around the same. I have no clue what the temps are in regular lakes.

Table Rock was 47,48 in the clear water, and 52, 53 up in the James river.

Look for temps at Bell Cow to be around 50 maybe? With the sun out today and tomorrow like this and the warm weather we've had it should be good!

I've never fished Bell Cow but i've seen video of it. Try some spinnerbaits around laydowns and flip a jig or tube. GOOD LUCK!!!
BJ, I learned something interesting last year that might help you. If you find what looks like a good bed area (nice stump or laydown with not much else around it that looks as good), work it really good. If you pull a fish off there, make sure you hit it again later that day. If it's a prime spawning bed area, when one buck gets pulled off, another will take it. Even better... year before, my boater pulls a decent buck off this point. 30 mins later, he pulls a female off the same exact spot. His assessment was that the buck was doing his job after the hatch and when he got pulled off, the female moved up to take on his responsibilities. She was 5 pounds+.
Mike snow, i do that to some degree. If i go down a bank and get bit. I'll let it cool off and then go back to it. Sometimes i stay on one bank. I'm learning to follow my gut instincts more. I did that today and had a decent day.

Thanks for the tip!!!! its good to see you around here again!
BJ, Dont you hate that, when they do that. I think some of them probly get off on it....