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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Got out to prefish a tourny for next saturday. Got up about 5:00 dad got up about 6:00 we left about 7:00. Got to the lake about 8:45. Realized that I took the prop off the skiff's trolling motor and put it on the buster boat to sell soon. Loaded up and drove to the nearest walmart. they only have minn kota props. I had to go to a boat dealership...expensive! get back to the lake at 10:30ish. meet a friend of mine who has been at the lake since 7:00 this morning. Get on the lake and start fishing. My dad catches one about 15 inches. At two we decide to move to another lake to prefish (you can choose which lake to fish in this tournmaent). Drive over there and start fishing. My dad catches a two and half pounder real quick. About twenty minutes later I throw my spinnerbait up against some rocks and BAM! I catch my biggest fish of the year. It would have gone 5 and a half easy and my have even been six. I didn't have a camera with me so I don't have a picture. ( i will draw one later and post it :) LOL). About twenty minutes later I catch a fish that barely measured. For fighting the wind it sure was worth it to see a nice fish in the boat. My biggest before this was about 2 to 3 pounds or so.

Good goin' Beeeg. Where did you go? I thought about going today but woosed out. Didn't want to fight the 25 to 30 MPH winds and drizzly cold. Went to see Kill Bill 2 instead. Going to Longmire tomorrow I think.

We were at the Ardmore city lakes. We fished Comanche and Clear Creek. big fish came from CLear Creek

Harpo-Did you make it out to Longmire? If so how did you do?
Yeah we went to Longmire. Got up early but got a slow start to the lake. Got there about 9:00 just in time for the wind to come up. I worked a tube mostly. We went over to the dam for a while to get out of the wind and threw crankbaits around the rip-rap with no sucess. Finally I scored one nice bass on the tube up in a creek. We had to knock off early so Andy could get home and get some homework finished. Everybody tells me how great Longmire is but I have never had a lot of luck there. It's a lot like Bell Cow with all the standing timber plus Longmire has weedbeds that you can practaly walk on later in the summer.

Homework???????????? Heck I did my homework last night at 11:00. Went to bed at 12!!!!!!!! Why do homework when you could be fishing...well I didn't fish yesterday but was at a friends house last night.

:) :)

any duncan lake and comanche.

If you are interested in fishing the tournament email. I am the president of the club.
