well, this won't help the ratings...

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Tony Payne

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2002
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Domestic Violence TV Show Leads to Shooting

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Mar 9, 11:31 am ET

OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - <font color=red>An Oklahoma woman shot her husband to death during a fight after the couple watched a daytime TV talk show on how to survive domestic violence</font>, officials say.

Teri Lynn Carver, 35 is not facing charges for gunning down her husband Cecil, 38, at their home in the northeastern Oklahoma town of Rose because evidence at the scene suggested the death was an accident, District Attorney Gene Haynes said Monday.

Police and prosecutors said the couple was in bed on Feb. 24 smoking marijuana and watching a Montel Williams TV talk show on surviving a lover's attack. <font color=red>Teri told her husband that his actions resembled those of abusive husbands featured on the show</font>, which caused Cecil to turn violent.

<font color=red>Cecil then struck his wife, fetched a handgun and fired a shot into the bed's headboard near Teri to show that he did not like his wife calling him a violent partner, police said, citing a statement the wife gave to investigators.</font>

Teri then called for help and when her husband tried to wrestle the phone away from her, she reached for the gun. Teri shot her husband in the arm and the bullet entered his chest, killing him, police said.

Evidence at the scene and reports from neighbors seem to support Teri's statement, police said.

"The TV show gave them a reason to fight, but in a situation of domestic violence, they really don't need an excuse," said Lt. Pat Knowles, a police detective for Mayes County.

You guys better be nice to Teri at the Rally,....she's liable to shoot your cork off!!!
Or better yet.."sue Montel Williams":) It's HIS fault!
Ohh TEE, don't even suggest that to the folks who MIGHT actualy WASTE time on a lawyer for that!!! Man that urks me!! We need a Looser Pays for frivolious lawsuits!!!
Yeah and until GW actually gets that bill passed(which I think he never will) it's a "free for all";)!

Ain't it?
It stinks TEE, especialy when it involved my tax dollars being used by judges and DA's, MAN I wish more folks would just take responsibility for their actions and stop wanting someone else or the government to take care of them!

Ok, enough on that, we could start a whole thread on it!!! LOL
Not to start another political type thread, but...

The problem with a "loser pays" mentality is it certainly takes the ability of "poorer" people to bring lawsuits...

Who decides if it is frivelous or not... what is frivelous to some, is not for others... sometimes people bring about lawsuits (like in this case against Montel or the gun maker) in order to get a point out in court or the media that they might not get to otherwise.

In theory, it sounds right, but I would be afraid of what would happen "in practice"...

What should happen, IMHO, is that the litigation style suits should have an entirely different "system" than criminal suits... meaning dedicated courthouses/judges etc... so that the criminal backlog can be dealt with independantly...
(Also, I am not "for" any lawsuit in this case, just an example)
What are you guys getting all worked up over? I didn't see anything in Sim's original message that even said that those eastern Oklahoma PWT's are going to sue.

Ya' got a point there Sim...Ya' EVER seen a "poor boy" like me win a lawsuit???????? LOL

Some of the justice nowadays just makesyawannapuke!;)
