Well ear surgery round 4 is tomorrow wish me luck...

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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2002
Reaction score
Im off to the hospital for ear surgery round #4 first thing in the morning. Hopefully with any luck it will be the last time. Hopefully it wont be antother 8 hour deal like last time. The Doc thinks about 3. I got a week off of work after to recover. I have to lay low and be a couch potato for close to a month so the new eardrum can heal up. Its going to be a pretty boring week. im sure ill be here alot.:D
Good luck! 'Ears to a speedy recovery!!:D (sorry)

Puns are to be banned and punners are to be hunted down and then disassembled and there parts junked... :p (Good one Tom)

Jim, take care of yourself and pay attention to all of the advice and instructions you get from the Vet... et us know how thigs go...:cool:
Good luck do as told. Your hearing is nothing to mess with!

Good luck Jim, Go get yourself and X Box and a couple of games to pass the time.

hope all goes well

Ear Ear, let's all just stop kidding about this, ok? Good luck Jim and best wishes

for a complete recovery..

Uncle Billy
Ear Ear, let's all just stop kidding about this, ok? Good luck Jim and best wishes

for a complete recovery..

Uncle Billy
Well it went pretty ok and in some ways not ok. The doctor found something he wasnt expecting at all. Last year i had a skin tumor called a cholesteatoma removed from my right ear. It was pretty advanced and had alsmot eroded my hearing bones and almost made its way intro my brain(that would have been bad). I had an 8 hour deal to get it out and got most of my hearing back. The only downside it i cant ever get that ear wet again. This time he was working on my left ear as a preventative measure to keep the same thing from happening on the left side. When he went in he found a cholesteatoma in this ear too that didnt show up on the cat scan. It was totally unexpected. So i ended up having about a 5 hour deal to remove this one. From what he said it was not as complex as the first one but it did erode the hearing bones on that side pretty bad too. I wont know how much hearing loss i have until at least a few months from now. He also said he may have to go back in there in 6 months or so to see if it grows back.

Overall i feel pretty good. Unlike last year Im not in any real pain to speak of, i just itch really bad. All i want to do is take a shower at this point but I cant until tomorrow night. Is say the worst part at this point was getting the monitor strips off my chest. Man that hurt.

glad to hear you came out ok, sorry to hear that they found the same thing in your other ear. hopfully you will have a quick recovery and the hearing loss will be minor.

good luck

It is a case of the "devil you know"... It was a blessing that they operated now... You will be remembered in our prayers... Take care of yourself.
You're on Nancy and my prayer list Jim.. It's a total bummer but at least the Doc's caught the one in your left ear pretty fast..

"Is say the worst part at this point was getting the monitor strips off my chest. Man that hurt."

Jim, I know you've done it or at least heard of pre-fishing a tournament, right? Then why didn't you find out what they were going to do and "pre-shave" where they were going to place the monitor strips?:lol::lol::lol:

Uncle Billy