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Bruce Freeman

Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2002
Reaction score
OK, Some are going to laugh and some are going to say holy bee crapp batman. Took my 2004 Champion 187CX out on a electrict only lake for the first time today. It's a small lake but clear and deep (54 ft max) Good News, Loading was a piece of cake on the TM. The weather went to heck and I had to hide in a cove to make it back. I have a 74lb, 24v Tm on the front and at one time I could not make any forward progress, I had 150 reasons hanging on the back that we where in no real danger. In a lake that small you don't see 3 ft waves and water spouts. I did manage 2 fish before the storm hit, but nothing after that

Unfortunatly That's we pay when fishing on an electric only body of water. Personly if the weather turned that bad I would have cranked the 150 up and headed in. If I got caught by the wildlife folks, I would just plead your case and hope for the best.. Whats the ticket if caught, 50.00 ( I dont know ) but it would be worth it, to get in safe. Just my thoughts...
The thought did cross my mind and if it had gotten any worse I would have. One thing I did figure out, I need a bigger anchor...........

I got caught on a elec only lake one day in a VERY bad thunderstorm.Lightning cracking straight down.

You're darn tootin' I fired up the old Merc and beat feet to the dock.I figured I'd rather take my chances with the fish commision than the Man upstairs.
