WBT Tournament 2 - Getting cut

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Got a call today from the tournament director. There are more co-anglers than pros registered for the next tournament which is April 23-25 in Louisiana. Economy is taking it's toll. I am 3rd down on the list so until 3 more pros sign up, I don't get to fish. To qualify for the Classic on the Red River in October, I have to fish all 4 tournaments and finish in the top 20 in points. I sit 9th right now. Your lowest score is dropped.

So, what would you do???

1) Get your money back and say.....F* it. Skip the Classic.

2) Let them keep your money, take a 0 for this tournament, but stay in the running for the Classic and say....F* it, they drop my lowest score anyway. Save on all other expenses like gas, hotel, pro's boat gas, vacation time at work, etc.

3) Pay a portion or all of a pro's entry fee who will then submit my name as the co-angler and I am guaranteed to fish and say..... F* it, It's only money and at least I get to fish.

4) Get Toxic to put on that skirt again, pay "her" entry fee with you as "her" guaranteed non-boater, and then you both mop up and win Pro / Co for the tournament.


Seriously - if given the choice between the three you listed, it would be #1 above any of the others. If you go with #2, what happens if you don't make the next tournament either? You won't be in the running with two 0's. I'd never pick option #3 either. Entry fees are too much. If you are going to pay for a pro, you should be that pro. Not someone else benifiting off of your generousity. If they can't pay to play, they shouldn't be fishing as a pro in my opinion. Relying on a co-angler to pay their entry fee is just not right.

Yeah, the Classic would be cool to go to... but it ain't the end of the world, and you're a young woman... you have plenty of time to get there. Don't rush it on year one if you don't have to.

Just my opinion. I hope it works out for you, no matter which option you choose. I'd pick option 4 though. :lol:

All the best,

I'd say F* it and wait it out, so what if your not fishing this time, experience gained, and there is always next year. Can't swing a bat and hit a homerun each time, if you did it would get old. Your just starting the tourney scene, gain ALL the experience you can and make a run at it next year if you can't get all the X's this year. And since they drop the lowest, might as well get the zero and continue.

They drop the lowest but you have to PAY. I am already signed up for the next two so getting cut from those shouldn't be an issue. I had him look it up today.

$650 for pro to fish. Considering paying deposit which is $300 for them.

Just so you know, they did not ask me to pay for another pro. It's an idea that I haven't shared yet.
Kind of hard to advise you without knowing how deep your pockets are and without knowing the pro's entrance fee.

Consider that your cost for the 4 tourney's is already spent. How much additional $$ will you be forking over to keep a pro fishing? Consider the cost as if you had to fund a pro for the next three tournies -- can you afford to do that?

If you take a zero, how far down the list do you think you'll fall? Will you be able to catch up?
Remember - "I am already signed up for the next two so getting cut from those shouldn't be an issue. I had him look it up today"

Things could change and more people could drop out leaving you with a problem at one of the next ones. Wait it out and if you get in, great, and if not that's money saved for next years expenses.
I'm like Glenn is on this. As you are fishing as a 'Co-Angler' this year to experience and learn, betting on making the Classic is at best a long shot. That, and don't give up hope that another three pro's make the field.

Another option. Go anyway, and be prepared to fish. What happens if a 'qualifed co-angler' doesn't show up at the last minute, and there is a spot. If you are there . . . .

And, BASS has been known to go 'down the list' to fill tourneys.

No one gives a crap about the women's BASS tournament. I am guessing most of these women pay their own entry fees and all their expenses. The payouts stink and most of the top 20 spots wouldn't cover your expenses. Probably why participation is so low.
So that last post Teri beggs the real question you need to answer for yourself - Why are you doing this, this year? Is it for the possible $$ (bad idea, the odds even if you are great are against ya as fish are fickle!)? Is it for experience on large tournaments, fun, learning, fellowship with other women who fish, braggin rights... they f#ck this one, go to the others, and if you don't make the classic who cares! You finished in the top 10 your first go out, a HUGE accomplishment with over 80 competitors!

Or if you have very deep pockets sign up as the Pro (or would they let you) and take the fish/ski and you stay dry when it rains!!! LOL

I am doing it THIS year because it may be the only year I can afford to do it if I lose my job. Not for the money, just for the he\ of it.

Do I think I can qualify for the Classic? Why of course I do, I freakin' rock.:D At least I tell myself that. Ha! I am 9th in one, would 0 in one and have 2 left. The last one is on one of my home lakes. 15 minutes from my house...so....let's say I top 20 in that one. Odds are I would only have to weigh a few fish in the 3rd tournament to have a shot. Just sayin'.

I would enter this one as a Pro if I could but you can't mix pro and coangler points or entries to qualify for the Classic.

Now...back to reality...I will prolly say F* it and get my money and take the time I already have off and go to Vegas or something. :p
If its because you have the $$ this year, and may not next year if you think there is a possiblity of losing your job, then put the $$ away and save it for mortgage, truck payment, emergency... that way you don't end up having to sell the boat next year!
My only comment is that being 3 spots down isn't much and things change pretty quick. If you remember, the email traffic on your last tourney was right down to the wire but they got a full field. If it were me and I already had paid the $$, I would wait it out. I would be ready to go but I would not go until I got the call.

Patience is a virtue......and a downright necessity with ESPN/BASS!!! I'd hold off until the very last minute possible before committing. The only consistency with BASS is their inconsistency. :lol: You won't regret waiting with their track record of rule adjustments on the fly. If you can find a pro not registered and float your idea positively, you may have a decent backup plan ready to go. If you're talking about $300 out of pocket to get a guaranteed berth, that's just a drop in the bucket considering your total minimal expenses for the entire series you've expressed interest in finishing. It's only a few hundy and we all know we've peed away more than that on goofy stuff. :wacko: It really boils down to how much you need it to soothe your driving personality. You're not a quitter by any means and I truly understand how hard it is to walk away with such a great start. So why do it over a few bucks?? Good luck either way and know we're all behind you! :D
personally I would wait until the day before you have to leave. so much can happen between now and then. I dont think you considered the fact that if 3 non-boaters cancel.....then you get to fish.

Wait until the last minute and then cancel if you are not going to get in. Save the $$ for the MVM (minus the Don) and you will catch more fish in that week/weekend then you would with any pro on any one of those lakes!