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Gilbert Scales2

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Hey everyone. I have never asked for help on this site, and not received any. This one is different. The neighbors dogs tear up my gardens. I don't want to harm them in any way, just keep them out. Any advise will be appreciated.

Liquid fence will deter them...get it just about anywhere.
I would talk to the neighbor and then sprinkle liberally with cayenne pepper (the garden, not the neighbor).
I can't tell if you are in town or not. Most have ordinances that pets must be restrained. If you are, you should be good to politely tell them that they need to follow the ordinances and keep the dogs leashed or fenced, and tell them why you are asking them to do this. After that, you have done your part by warning them, and then call and get them picked up. If they care anything about them they would be leashed or fenced anyhow.
Talk to the neighbors and if that doesn't help put up an electric fence around the garden. They will get into once and not come back. My dog was digging one section my yard and I tried everything from pepper to moth balls with no luck. I put up an electric fence and the problem was solved.
I like Berry's suggestion from the legal standpoint. However, my neighbor sent my cat home covered in paintballs one day. The problem resolved itself.
Paint ball gun. Never thought of that mmmmmmh. We sell paint ball guns at Bass Pro.


A mix of water and vinager in a pump up water gun. on the dogs...works great...
You can use electric fence, Tractor Supply has them for $20 that work fine on dogs. Or you can use the ole standby the Red Rider.;)
Somebody reminded me of using pepper. I had a Dachshund that kept picking at a place in the carpet by the patio door. I used just plain old black pepper off the table. Broke him pretty fast. It also broke my Scottie from dragging around the bathroom mat. Only problem the rain may wash it away pretty easily. Buy it in bulk at Sam's. :D If nothing else it would be good for a show. :lol:

Funny side story... The bathroom that I put the pepper on the bathmat is the same one that my 17 year old son uses. I forgot to tell him that I put pepper on the mat so he gets out of the shower with wet feet and then gets all upset....."Hey!! What's all this black crap all over my feet???". :lol::lol:

I used pepper flakes to stop my dog from making a tunnel to China. Haven't had a problem since.
Thanks everyone. Talking to the neighbor is out, they all believe it the others dog doing it.

Hey Bubby,

I will bet that where you live there is an ordinance that if a dog it off his property he must be leashed. If your neighbors say it isn't their dog the only thing you can do is catch them with a camera. If you KNOW it's your neighbors dogs just notify your local animal control and tell them that you KNOW it's their dogs and that you've seen them doing the harm. Then ask them what the next step is?

Here, and I bet also where you are, you can borrow animal traps from your local animal control. Borrow a couple and see just what you get? It will cost your neighbors a few dollars to go down and get their dogs back.

If they are digging your garden up, pepper and also animal blood might work. You can get the blood from any farm supply and all you have to do is sprinkle it around the edge of the garden. If it rains, you'll have to do it all over again though.

I never thought of Paint Ball Guns but it sounds like a great idea if you have access to one.

Let your neighbors try to explain the paint all over their dogs the next day.:lol:

Good luck my friend.. I wish I could be more help and if this old mind comes up with anything else I'll be sure to let you know.

Uncle Billy