Water wins

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Gene B

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
3 weeks ago, My SPRO little john :wub: and I ruled the water with 40+ bass in about 5 hours on the water. 2 weeks ago my fluke and I ruled with 30+ fish in about the same amount of time.

This weekend with the EXTREME amouts of rain we got overnight on Wednesday (over 7") and Thursday (3+"),I had a small puddle from where my drain goes through the basement wall from Wednesdays rains. However after the 3+" we got thursday night we woke up to about 6" of water in our finished walkout basement. It had already receeded about 8" by the time we got up friday morning. It was about 14" total. :(

This past weekend, Water wins.

We've been at flood stage for months. Can't boat local lakes as they are no wake. More flooded basements, streets etc. Feel your pain.

Nope, no flood insurance. On my own. :( Things are drying well. I'l open some drywall to check for mold in a week or 2. it only had water for a very short time so I'm hoping it's going to be ok.

Rap, I know you guys have been under water for a while now. Hopefully we all dry out and stay that way.

Gene - I know this isnt what u want to hear, but i would cut away at least the bottom 8 inches of drywall around the basement. It only takes a couple hours for water to soak into standard drywall, especially the unprotected backside. It only takes a few mold spores to begin the breeding and spread of more, once that starts, u will have no option but to hire a remediation company to clean it up, and thats big bucks, my brother in law does it for a living. The backside of the wall is impossible to dry completely, its a breeding ground for mold. Better to be safe than sorry. Some drywall, tape and mud is alot cheaper than remediation down the road.
Not to make lite of your situation, but could you send a little of that moisture to South Texas, or Texas at all? I wouldn't say we are dry but when you can get enough to spit it evaporates before it hits the ground.
That sux Gene...I've had water issues in my basement TWICE!! Once was a broken pipe from the outdoor faucet where the pipe enters the house....and the other was a broken water heater!! Luckily,..both instances were covered by insurance. Got new carpet out of the deal both times though!! :rolleyes: But...it was a major PIA to get everything dried out!!:angry:
I was glad to get back to work here just to get some rest! :rolleyes: We had it happen about 6-7 years ago too. I ripped out the carpet then and installed 1300 sq. ft. of ceramic tile. That made the clean up this time a lot easiier. I still can't look at a box of tile with out cringing though. :lol:

I had to replace the ignition module on the water heater to get it going. One place wanted $208.00 for it. I finally found the number to the only other supply house that was open on saturday and got it for $95.00. The furnace/air conditioner wasn't working either but once I got the water dumped out of the blower it started right up.


That really sux. Hope it all works out.


We had more than two months over flood stage here around Lake Champlain, a lot of people are still cleaning up. I really feel for ya. Hope the high water recedes soon!
Yeah, I know it's nothing to mess around with. I'll open it up in a week or 2 and check it. If it needs to be cut out I may just do a chair rail and wood that I can remove if it ever happens again. ;)
