Washed The Truck

  • Thread starter Scott Hammer TOXIC
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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
My wife can never understand why it takes me so long to wash the truck....I had a couple of minutes today so I got the wash stuff out!!LOL!!


It only took me 4 and 1/2 hours. But now it looks like this......


Gotta just luv a clean truck!!

Veeeeery funny Butch...Show me a pic of that new ride of yours. Oh and by the way, my "pet" watched while I did the wash....


She's about 5 foot stretched out and keeps all of those nasty copperheads away. Blacksnakes eat copperheads and that is a good thing. She will come in the garage once in a while but normally just crawles around in the bushes. My daughter likes to play with her. She has a burrow right in the corner of the driveway.

Geeeez I'd love to have a pet like that.. NOT!!!! :unsure: I'd take a picture of my truck and post it but don't want to embarrass Toxic..

Expect rain in Toxic's neighborhood tonight!!:lol:

Seems to me I remember some people having the heebie-Jeebies about snakes, that's why I posted it. :lol: We've been in the house 12 years and the largest blacksnake I have seen was around 8 feet. I know that because it stretched from my roof to my deck while I was having coffee one morning. Gotta admit, that did spook me a little!! Last fall in the dark I grabbed a copperhead out of the woodpile thinking it was a log. Pucker Factor:100. Good thing it was cold cause I kept squeezing it cussing on how the wood was mushy!!

Harpo...It rained (otherwise blubird sky all day) about 1 hour after I took this pic, then the sun came back out for the rest of the day. :huh:

:lol:Haaaaa! It had to happen. That much work can't go unsoiled.

Give that Blacksnake a benifits package...anything that kills Copperheads is OK in my book. Those are some nasty critters.

It's ok till she has her brood every year, usually about 15-20 youngins all over the place. When it's mating time there are a lot of males that come around and they have a nasty disposition. For some strange reason Blacksnakes and Copperheads will not live in close quarters. The year I had copperheads in the wood pile she decided to winter somewhere else. Glad to see her back this year!!

PS....I washed the truck again. I win!!

Dam* you TOXIC. I HATE snakes...I MEAN HAAATTTEEEE!!!!

I know them solid ones are good for keeping the "bad" ones away. Personally I don't think there is such a thing as a "good" snake.

Quick story: A couple of years ago I came in from a call about 2am. I volunteer for my local FD as well as a career FF in Atlanta area. Anyway, I am bad about leaving my garage door open during the day. It was summer. I was walking in front of my wife's car when I noticed a snake laying UNDER the entrance door from the garage. It was hard to tell what kind it was from the dim garage door opener light. I went to the truck and got my flashlight. SHAZAM...it was a copperhead. I refer to ALL "bad" snakes as "Copperheaded-rattle-moccasins". ONLY thing besides a .45 and 9mm in the truck I had was a garden rake. I fought with that thing until it FINALLY died. I am SOOOO glad I saw it because if it had stayed until the next morning my wife would have stepped right over it and may have gotten bit. She was pregnant at the time, so I am very fortunate.

I'm not particularly fond of them either but I'd rather have this big girl around rather than the copperheads. Since I live in the forest, she also keeps the mice away (I like snakes better than cats:D). I do have some veeery paranoid ground squirrels though. Too big for her to eat, too small to feel really safe!! Neighbors have no blacksnakes and bunches of Copperheads.

ps....It rained again lastnight....I give up.

Truck looks good! I spent a few hours cleaning the boat yesterday after our excursion to Ky Lake on Saturday.

Meguiar's , good stuff!
Good advice Greg....The rule at our house is to not touch. This one particular snake has been around about 5 years and is well known. The only venemous snake that remotely resembles a Blacksnake is a Blue Racer and I don't have any of those. My daughter loves to play with Ringneck snakes. They stay small (smaller than a Garter snake).

I never knew that Racers were venemous??:unsure:

Even non-venemous snakes can give a nasty bite so it's best to still be careful with the larger ones.

I thought they were? Maybe not. True harpo, I've had some nasty Blacksnakes latch on and it hurts like heck. Also takes a while to heal!! Another thing to remember is that young venemous snakes usually have stronger venom than when full grown.

There are only four venemous snakes native to the United States: the rattlesnake, copperhead, water mocassin and the coral snake. In these species there are numerous subspecies and their appearance can vary based on that. When I was growing up my best friend's dad was a naturalist and herpetologist and I spent a large amount of time assisting him in collecting snakes and other animals for wildlife shows he gave to various groups. I also assisted in teaching about them and we always taught people it was easier to know how to recognize the poisionous ones that way if the one you see is not one of them, it should be non-poisionous. This is dependant on proper identification of course. Like Greg Walters said in his reply, most snakes look different when young. An example is the water mocassin. They are normally a grey to black mottled color when adults, dependant on sub-species, yet when young they resemble a small copperhead. When my wife and I started dating I knew she was the one for me when she agreed to go water mocassin hunting with me and my friends and subsequently went on several other trips. If you have never done this it entails wading a creek late at night. We have several creeks in southern Oklahoma that are very productive. The most we got in one night was 23 and one of them was 51 inches long. All of them got released at the end of the night except for the biggest one and he has been used in many shows and exhibits. With four young kids now, I rarely get to go. Sorry, forgot to add that neither blue nor black racers are poisionous. At the end of all the classes we always told people that if you cannot positively identify the snake assume it is poisionous and keep your distance.