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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Heute war wie der schlimmste Tag der Schule je. Mein Alarm entscheidet, ab zu nicht gehen. Jener wasnt ein gro
"Auf das habe ich eine TONNE der Hausaufgabe.. "

Too bad buddy, get cracking...
where did you learn german? we found this website at school today that would do translations. I am bored so i figured i would post something in german.

here is the original message. it is a lil different but i think you can make it out to some degree

Today was like the worst day of the school ever. My alarm decides, go from to not. That wasnt a large problem because I woke up approximately 5 minutes, after it goes usually from. I was dressed and left for school.

Drive to school the little nissan increasing before me, back the nissan titanium large before it concluded when traffic began, place certainly.

I was late, to school. That was is sluggish my first that to each recieve. I never was late to school before. When I received we to first hour, had a submarine.

It counted me as unexcused, would have excused will should it because of the traffic. So now I must take it on with the office my first hour teacher tomorrow.

On that, I have a TON of the homework.

Good messages, only 6 weeks of actual school left. We leave stumbles for our older the second week of May. His has likes something "America establishing stories trip" or something to that influence called. We go to Boston and we become the pilgrim monuments and all found people see, who arranged this nation. It should make joke.

I think that I will go, take a nap now.


Today was like the worst day of the school ever. My alarm decides not to go off. That wasnt a large problem because I woke up approximately 5 minutes, after it usually goes off. I got up and got ready for shcool.

While i was driving to school a little nissan pickup in front of my rearended a Nissan Titan. The traffic was bad.

I was late, to school. That was my frist tardy to each recieve. I have never been late to school before. When I got there i went to first hour, we had a sub.

She counted me as unexcused, I should have been excused because of the traffic. So now I must talk with the office and my first hour teacher tomorrow.

On to of that, I have a TON of the homework.

Good news!, only 6 weeks of actual school left. We leave for for our senior trip the second week of May. it is called something like "American founding history trip" or something to that effect. We go to Boston and we see the pilgrim monuments and all the founding people, who started this nation. I should be a good trip. (i dont know what the last line is supposed to say)

I think that I will go, take a nap now.


Gibt acht, was Sie auf Deutsch sagen. Einige von uns sprechen es. Mein Gro
Wimmern! Ich habe einen heada Schmerz vom Messwert das. Meine ältere Reise war Walt Disney Welt. Gutes Glück mit dem Erhalten entschuldigte für diesen Tag.

BJ gives eight what you say in German. Some of us speak it. My grandfather called me pain in the piston

fatrap on
Whimper! I have a heada pain of the reading that. My ältere trip was let happen Disney world. Für excused good Glück with the receiving this day.
Enchilada por favor, quesa dilluh, jujitsunami, my brotha.
BJ my grandpa called me a pain in the butt. Bet no one ever called you thatLOL
