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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
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got a collection agency bill in the mail from north american fishing club for $20.97 from get this 5-29-98!i dont even remember what i did yesterday,let alone in 98!!it says for the items referenced below,nothing is there.you have got to be kidding me!i didnt want any of there lame books,outdated tactics even in 98.

i dont know what it was for,no reference for what it was for,not paying it!
Oh, sh##..... Do you mean to say that, for not returning the book B.A.S.S. sent to me, I'm gonna get a collection agency hounding my a$$?
1. Make them prove that there is a balance due. 6 years is a mighty long time to wait for $20.97. Threaten a Lawsuit until they prove it.

Me!, No you won't. And if you do, call a lawyer IMMEDIATELY as this is patently illegal in the case you are describing. Also, if by some chance you get a second bill, notify the Postmaster General. that Will also put a stop to it.

Now calm down before you blow a valve.

Forget the lawsuit.

Number 1, the collection agency is only going to make one or two calls on this, because for the most they are going to make is 40-60% of the total, if that.

If you really want to get their goat, send them a cease and desist letter, stating that you elect to deal directly with the holder of the note/obligation. They immediately have to hand it back. Do a search, and you can find information on it.

It's likely they won't put it on your credit report, but you always have to be careful about that.

The other thing is to make them send you proof that you ordered and/or received the goods in question. You want copies with your authorization on it.

Was in that business for awhile.

Texas Transplant got it right...

A cease and desist letter will stop any further contact on this subject.

However, the $4.95 you forgot to pay in your Feb 1994 phone bill is now in the mill.....:>)