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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
mini saying that he would like to get down and visit reminded me that the new Air and Space museum has opened not far from me. If you have been to DC and have seen all of the sights, this is a reason to come back. What a remarkable place it is, with the Enola Gay (fullsize), the Space Shuttle Enterprise, moon capsules, and to top it off, a full size SR-71 Blackbird!! I'll bet there are 200 aircraft INSIDE!! WOW what a place and if your nice, I might even give you a place to stay!!

No, but I gotta have it near me KB!!LOL It is out on the way to Dulles airport on rt. 28. They even put its own exit off of the highway!! Only drawback is that it is $12.00 to park (howevermany you can cram in a vehicle) but admission is free. They also have an I-Max theatre there (does cost). We took my daughter and saw The Young Black Stallion. Well worth the time.

<translation for those who missed it>

Dear Mini,

I have better things to do than take you fishing, check out the new museum. Sorry I missed you.


Dear Tox (aka mike snow),

I wont have time to fish if I come and visit during the show. Some of us are customer orientated and like to make sure we EARN what we

Mini'd I get in the middle of this!!LOL.....If mini comes to Hampton, it's a good 3 1/2 hours away anyway...LOL. Besides, there's no where to fish right now except the tank in BPS and he's already done that!!


You going to be at Hampton? If so when? If I am in the state, I will be sure to stop by!!


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