Venting: NAFC

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Mark Hofman

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
I just received my "invitation" to become a member of the North American Fishing Club, as a NEW member!


Actually, I don't think I could care less. The bold paragraph that reads, <b>If you don't let us know within 7 days, Club rules require me to remove your name from our membership roll. So please do it now,</b> had the exact OPPOSITE affect on me that the Club wanted it to have.

Funny, I used to BE a member of NAFC. I don't ever recall deciding on rules like this, or receiving any kind of rule book guiding my membership in the club. All I received were dues notices, and one small "field test" kit with a bait that looked like it had been manufactured in Abu Dabi.

Their magazine was nice, but not really worth the money.

Never got any free stuff (except for that one bait).

Oh, but I did get LOTS and LOTS of opportunities to BUY stuff (at reduced, members-only prices).

So, how can my name be removed from the membership roles if this is an invitation to become a member????? AAAARRRRGGGGG!!

This kind of marketing turns my stomach. "Congratulations, you're our newest member! Now, pay your dues and maybe get some (cheap) free stuff, or we'll take your name off the membership list!"

This one's going in the round file.
Use the invitation to line your new battery box.


Send it to me.....

I'll use it to line Tigger's box!

Take some of your other junk mail and return it to them, after removing your name of course, in the postage paid envelope. Another thing you can do is find some of those customer reply cards, you know the ones that have the little numbers/letters that say what vendor you want information from, and fill it out with the person's name that sent you the junk mail at the address provided. I know this is not fair to the bulk mail industry but at least it may make you feel a little better.
I was a member for awhile...

There, I said it...

What I found telling was how hard it was to <b><i>leave</i></b>.

I got the "Renew" notice... I threw it away.

I got the reminder notice... and the packet of "freebies" for renewing. (remember, I threw away the renewal notice)... I threw the notice away, and the cheap hooks.

I got another reminder, this one telling me that: "We were so kind to extend your membership that you should pay us".. I threw that one away...

Then I got the letter from the "president" stating how they were sorry to suspend my membership for non payment, and yet another chance to "renew to good standing".

I sent a letter back to him, telling him that the non-response to the first "renewal" should've been enough of a clue that I was no longer interested... and to remove me from the mailing list and "member roles"...

No response...You would've thought they got the point... a couple of months later, I got an envelope... asking if I wanted to be a "lifetime" member...

What a joke... and this is real life.

The head of their sales dept. is probably named Don.
