vacation blues

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Joe G

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
ill tell you what, it hasent rained in 3 weeks , but i go on vaction and head out to my home lake ( i live on harris chain) WE GET A COLD FRONT IN THE 50's and raining all day long BBBRRRRR ,i did manage to catch 6 fish largest right at 5 lbs. And found about 15 beds with nice fish on them. OH none of the fish i caught today came off a bed... ill check on them again in couple days for a sun T. If the pros dont getum first.....
We haven't had very good weather here in central Florida lately. Glad to hear that you found some fish up on beds. I was concerned that the recent cold snaps had chased them deep again.
I feel SOOOOOOOO bad for you.

You're stuck fishing in 50 degree weather,and I'm up here having ALLLLLLL this fun shoveling snow out of my driveway.....LOL

You southerners really bite...LOL

lol sorry steve i was not thinking of my northern freinds. joe