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Drew Dennis

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Not sure if you guys/gals have seen or know about this... I just read it and have already written and called my senators office and left a message!


Basically if they don't pass this we will have to pay what equates to a "water usage" fee. You will be REQUIRED to get an EPA license to use your boat!

Old news. Court case came out a while ago forcing EPA to act (thank the environmental extremists like Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, USPIRG, Union of Concerned Scientists, etc. for bringing and pursuing the case). The aim was to go after large cargo ships dumping ballast water into U.S. waterways and potentially introducing non-native species (e.g., zebra mussels). The enviros just decided to go a bit further. Regardless of what Congress does, EPA is NOT interested in seeking permits from every recreational boater. The Agency is working on a "permit of general applicability." This would essentially cover all recreational boaters under a blanket permit so if you are a private citizen and own a boat for personal and recreational use only, you would be considered covered under that general permit.
Yes, this is old news, but it is still a threat. What EPA is interested or not interested in doing can become both irrelevant and a moot point quite easily. If you want to try and make sure that we are protected from this [with no guarantees], then I recommend that you write your senators and congressmen.
NY senators: Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer......yeah right! :lol:

And they think they got it bad in MA with Kennedy????:huh:
Damn Rob...I am SO sorry to hear that! I swear if that woman (term used loosely) wins I am moving to NEW ZEALAND!!

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