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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Some of you may remember a few weeks ago I posted about trying to sell my Ranger. I had a couple of people come and they decided not to buy even after they told me they were and were going to send a deposit. I told others it had been sold before they came and I told them I didn't need a deposit. After they went home they wrote numerous emails to me that were hateful and calling me a liar about the price and all. THey told me they could only give 2000 on my boat because that was all they have. Well a couple of days later I saw a post by one of them on another website saying they were looking for an used bass boat and they would spend as much as 4000 if it was in good condition and all. I about blew my top but didn't say anything. Well a couple of days ago I saw another post by them saying they bought a 1979 Ranger dirt cheap. THey said it needed some work done to it but it was fine because of how cheap they got the boat. When they took it to a mechanic they were told that the boat had structure problems and some of the inside of the boat will need to be reconstructed...it is going to run them $2500. They don't have enough to cover repairs.....all i have to say is...YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!

BJ, life is too short to be delighted with other peoples' problems.

Go fish.
Ahhh but there is some justice... in a crude way... for people who don't do right... It's been codified in the phrase; "what goes around, comes around".
You're absolutely right, BJ. They got what they deserved.

Now..... While Mr. Stern has given the best advice - as usual :) ..... I know that, if it were me..... I would just have to add a post to their thread that you just happen to have a used Ranger for sale in excellent condition! (Without mentioning that they already looked at your boat!)

But don't listen to me - I'm a sh## disturber. Listen to your Uncle Rich!


P.S. BJ, if you hang around here and get to know Rich, you'll find him to be one of the most level-headed and brilliant people going! I have absolute respect for Rich Stern.
Just remember, things have a way of balancing out. They jerked you around (and maybe others also) and they ended up getting jerked around in the end themselves. I'll get a little philosophic here for your benefit....I have this short sweet saying that pop's in my head every time I have the opportunity to take advantage of a situation....

"Ill Gotten Gaines"

That's it...If you get something through less than worthy circumstances, you will end up paying in the long run. For example, and I could name a thousand, I bought a top end Abu reel at Wally World to put on a custom made fiberglass rod that my dad had made for me one Christmas. The clerk after I was done examining the reel and a less expensive Abu reel, mixed up putting them in the boxes. I knew it and kept my mouth shut....guess what.....next time out before I could cast it once, it went over the side (the first of only 2 I have EVER lost). In a nutshell, if you conduct your life in a truthfull and genuine manner, you will be rewarded (I've got a thousand examples of that also), try and scam and you will pay.

The good news is, there are people like Rich Stern in this world. I won't disagree that he's right.

The better news is, there are people like me in this world, ready to laugh right beside you.

While Rich is a wise man, I'm reminded of another wise man... his quote "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints"...

Name that tune :)
"I wish I had your good luck charm and you had a doo-wack-a-doo-wack-a-doo!"

- Roger Miller
Yea that kind of stuff happens BJ but oh well ya gatta roll with the punches and who knows you might even recive another email from them saying they want to look at your boat again?

Keep tryin to sell the boat dude..the right person will come along again an put that boat in the water where it should be. (Not frozen under 2 feet of snow like it is here in Michiagn.)

In a way I feel bad for them. I am not glad that anything bad happened to them. But on the other hand I feel as they really did get what they paid for.

Me--I am sure I will be around here for a long time. Just the past couple of months I feel like I have know ya'll for my whole life.

In a way I feel bad for them. I am not glad that anything bad happened to them. But on the other hand I feel as they really did get what they paid for.

Me--I am sure I will be around here for a long time. Just the past couple of months I feel like I have know ya'll for my whole life.

LOL! Just so you haven't known us for my whole life!

You hang in there, BJ. That's one beautiful, old warhorse you've got there. Someone will be very lucky to get it from you!

Dang, JR! I didn't realize that you had been around that long! I know that you had a screen name change..... But I guess you mustn't have posted much originally.....