Update on U.S.M.C. recuit Gross

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
For those of you who have been following my sons enlistment he just called this morning. He said he is back in a regular unit(DELTA CO.) and he already completed a 3 mile run that was required.He only has two weeks left .He is going to call and let us know his graduation date for sure. Hope were able to book a flight when we need it .If I know my son he's prbably still in some pain but he wants to get out of the MRP. I could tell by answer when I asked him how it healed so fast. It will be good to see him again .He loves what he's doing.
Just goes to show you can't keep a good Marine down! Tell him we said to the all of the (too) few and the proud, God Bless the U.S.M.C.!!

We were there when Jonathan graduated....it's a great experience for all involved.

Give young Sheephead our best!!!
Just found out my son-in-law is coming back home in May from Korea and he just recieved papers to go to Iraq at the end of may for 12 months! He's not happy:(


Fantastic news... I would love to be there to congratulate him.. Tell him I said Hi.

Awesome!! BUT, please if you do talk to him to make sure that he is healed. He may not able to think past the trials he is in now. If he is hurt, and does not heal all the way it may be a PAIN the rest of his USMC career, ok?

I have seen this and it can slow you down or may limit options later for special schools etc.

So, please pass onto him to be careful and make sure he is healed. He needs to be 100% or as close as you can be in bootcamp anyway...

Glad to hear your son's back on a the road to becoming a Marine. My son graduated from PI on August 22 last year and his feet still haven't fully healed. I keep after him to go to the doc but he's so much smarter than me. He made it through boot camp without being sidetracked except for the recruit crud that took out the whole platoon. Hutch
Good news, Mark!

But do tell Mike to listen to his Uncle Carlos!

You gonna bring the Marine to the rally?

Amanda is waiting!
