Update on U.S.M.C. recuit Gross

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
I just thought I would update those of you who have been following my sons recuitment.

On Dec. 25th 2003 The came down the hill into camp from three fun filled days of the crucible.Mike said words couldn't discribe the feeling coming down that hill.He came through with flying colors.Words cannot discribe the feeling I had neither upon hearing such news.

Me and my beautiful wife will be flying out on the 21st of this month family day is the 22nd and graduation is the 23rd.We'll all be flying back on the the evening of the 23rd.

Mike will have 10 days leave before he returns to camp for additional training.I'm sure he'll post .He says he can't wait to see me so he can tell me some of the stories.

He only got TI'ed once and that was for calling his DI a

DJ and evidently said it to loud.He made hime stand up against a wall holding a heavy metal gear straight out in front of him while the DI threw objects at him.He said he thought that was kinda funny to but waited for the right time to laugh about it. My son is going to be a MARINE!! WOOHA! And a daham fine one at that.
Congrats on your almost Marine. I know you'll be a proud Marine Poppa. My son, Mike also, graduated from Parris Island on 8/22/03. That was one of the proudest days of my life (His too I guess LOL) I think the EGA ceremony on Family Day is the most touching. There wasn't a dry eye anywhere as the DIs presented the new Marines their EGAs. Very impressive. Mike is now at Ft. Knox finishing up his MOS training as a Main Battle Tank Technician. Hutch
tell him congrads being ex airforce I am extremly proud of our youth (young men and women). I lived on camp foster okinawa for almost 3 years, they are a great bunch of people with so much tradition. The gunny I lived next to was great and explained alot of it to me, but I could tell I never could fully understand unless you was a marine, proud proud people. Dont get me wrong NO more patriotic than us airforce folks but the determination and pride they share is over whelming, the most fun i ever had TDY was with a marine air unit in cope thunder up in alaska great bunch of folks. tell him congrads on one of his first accomplishments, and good luck on the once to come
Congrats Gross...you definitely should be proud! I'm waiting on my son-in-law who's sationed in Korea and should be back in May for a couple weeks. Daughter is anxiously waiting in the wings...so I think I'm really gonna make a very warm welcome for him. Have to think up somethin' nice...God Bless our men & women in the service!

You won't believe the difference when you see him!! I remember when my brother got home from USMC boot camp (San Diego)in '72....he left home as long haired teenager with a hangover,....returned home as the "Platoon Honor Man" and looked like a recruiting poster!! I'll NEVER forget how he kept calling my Mom and Dad "Ma'am and Sir" for the first couple of hours,.....you'll be VERY impressed!! USMC Dress Blues are by far, theeee sharpest uniforms in the US Military! AWESOME!!!
Got to love a man (or woman) in a uniform!! Congrats!

Awesome man!!!! Dress Blues are the best, but I also like the look of Mess Dress too.

Really, congrats and I bet he does act a bit diffrent when he gets home!!!

Hate to tell you this, Teri.....

But Mike is saving himself for Amanda down at The Moors!

Mark, you tell him I said "Two Thumbs Up!"

God Bless!


I am very pleased that he has done so well... I'm not surprised... I knew from the moment I met him that he had what it takes to excell at anything he wanted to do... I won't be there in person but, for what it is worth, you tell him I will be in that crowd in spirit...

Carlos... they need to make those Dress Blues out of real stretchy stuff so when we "expand" we could still wear 'em...LOL
A marine in polyester,.....now would that terrify the Taliban or what?!!!! The Horror!!!
Nah... Airborne is just remedial Marine training... LOL Now, I am just kidding (almost)

A pretty good WWII era joke was that they had two doctors examining every airborne recruit... These doctors faced each other... Every recruit had to step between them on a small stool... The Doctors each looked in an ear... If they could see each other the recruit got to try for Airborne!!!!
Greg, that is why there is mess drsss, hides it better :)

Good one on the Airborne Sir !!!!!


I left an O-3 but I am no longer a "sir", just a "Marine"...will do...
Congrats to your soon to be "Marine"

He will really know what that means, the day he graduates and his DI calls him a Marine. That is a moment he will never forget. San Diago is a great base and you will enjoy your time there with you son. I got out of the Marine Corps in 78 there, but I still remember the day I graduated from Boot. Wish him all the best from an old Marine. Once a Marine, always a Marine.

Semper Fi