update on Gross , Michael CPL

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
Just to let the people here who have meet or know my son ,he was scheduled to return on Nov. 12 .. He has decided to extent his tour by another 6month's. we'll see him in May.

He love's what he's doing .That's the bottom line .

Tell him thanks for me!:cool: God bless ALL our troops and hope he comes home safe.:)
A salute to CPL. Gross. Ask him to get online with us sometime and let us know how it really is over there. Does he get any respect from any of the locals? What would make a person want to extend their tour there? All we hear or see is what the media wants us to. We are so lucky to have men like your son to protect this country.
Tell your son thanks for me also. Just got back in Jan this year.

Aaron, it's the comradery and commitment to your fellow servicemember that keeps you going, along with the love of the USA. Having been there and done that last year, my salute goes to CPL GROSS, may the Good Lord keep him safe.

Ya'll be good.

All we hear or see is what the media wants us to.

And what is a shame is that if they can't find any bad news to report for the day, they make their own.:angry:

I think you would be suprised at the number of men who decide to extend their tour, they see what is actually going on, and that their job is not done yet.

A heartfelt salute to CPL. Gross. And to all the other men and women serving. Stay safe, and let us know when you get home.


My deepest thanks to you and the men and women who served with you...


You already know what I feel for Michael... Folks this is one outstanding young man who is doing his family and country proud. Hope to hear from him soon... takes about three weeks for the care packages from here to get to him.... Hope he likes the latest one (sent 9/27)... I have a couple more great ones already made up...:rolleyes:
My thanks to your son Mark, and you also Jim. I know first hand how glad you'll be to see him home Mark. Hutch
Mark, I'm sorry for you because I know how much you miss him and how much you wanted to see him. Trust me, he wants to see you guys too. When I was in General Washington always gave me something for extending. Not a lot but something. Like being able to change your MOS or something like that. Plus he gets more money over there. You wouldn't believe how many guys in Viet Nam extended so they could be door gunners in a huey. I thought they were nuts.

Anyway, please tell Michael he's on a lot of pray lists here and also tell him thank you very much for what he's doing. God Bless him and all of our outstanding soldiers over there.

Uncle Billy
You nailed it Uncle Billy .

My uncle was one of those gunners. They got hit and the chopper went down it through him from the Huey ....he was the only one who survived.

