Update on Craig!!

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
Just got a call from my wife,...who just got off the phone with Kathy Roberts.

Craig is coming home today,....BUT he has 2 arteries that are 100% blocked. There will be NO Surgery,....the Dr. wants to treat him with medication. Evidently, when there is a blockage like that,...the arteries will sometimes re-route themselves and work their way around the blockage and reconnect on their own. His heart is doing exactly that! So,...his cardiologist is going to put him on some meds to help with that process and send him home TODAY!! It looks like our prayers have been answered (AGAIN) and there will be plenty more Camp Neeley's and Toadapalooza's in Craig's immediate future. :wub: Now,...if we can just get his bride to do something about working all those "Freakin' saturdays" we can get'er out on the boat and take care of her, instead of the other way around!! :cool:

Thanks for calling Kathy!! We're extremely happy to hear the news.....all is going to be well,.....so carry on folks!!;)

SWEEET, never though 100% blockage would be a good thing :blink:
Good news. Follow Doc's orders Craig!

Rich D
I hope everythings works out good for Craig.

Holy SMokes we need a rest home for the affirmed not a website. A bunch of crippled old farts sitting around a fountain in our wheel chairs with Snoopy rods bobbing for gold fish. Drooling in our bibs. :):lol:

GREAT News!! Thanks Mac for posting!!
Well we're home, he says he's tired, don't know why, he just laid around on his butt all day while 4 women shaved him! He's gonna be off work for at least another week while the doctor figures out what all meds to put him on and he adjusts to them.

I'm counting on one of you mafia guys to get him out fishing before he drives me nuts!

Seriuosly, thank you for all the love and prayers, it's really meant alot to us.

Thanks for the good news... He's now qualified to join Bill, et al as one of the Tough Old Birds...
That's great news. What we may need to start is a cardiac and back website. Seems a number of members here have been sticken with these things lately. Just very happy everyone is still with us!

Don't be spreadin that shavin' thing around, the next thing you know Mini will be in the hospital faking it!!

We'll keep the good thoughts coming!!
