Unusual "catch of the day"!

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Dan J.

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2001
Reaction score
Lake Lanier, GA
The fishing here has been "off the hook" for the past few weeks! Numbers and size have been steady on spots with an occasional head or two showing up. I had my son snap this picture just a while ago. While in a school of spots feeding earlier this morning, I set up on what I thought was debris. After moving 10' or so, her head shook and a Walleye appeared on the end of my line!! (A nice one to boot!) Unfortunately she engulfed my little flat bait, sealing her demise. On a lighter note, guess what's for dinner!

Yes, we even have walleye in the South. :D

Nice one Dan, taste good huh? Hod soem fresh walleye last year at macs house!! yum yummy!!!!!

Was that on Hartwell, by chance? They started stocking them in Hartwell either last year or the year before.

Tex - I believe that's a Georgia 'Eye from Lanier. They have them just VERY rarely do you hook into one! I know more Striper fisherman who've hooked them then traditional Bass fisherman.

Oh and take a GOOD look, that looks to be a good 3lb EATING fish, JUST like we'll be catching til our ARMS hurt in Canada in August!

Dan - Good onya Man!! I just got back myself from slaying the Crappie on the Dead Sea. Stopped counting at 20, and a REAL nice 1lb 14 inch slad in their too!!
I've only caught one in my life. It was at Broken Bow in SE Okla, which is a very deep and clear lake. Caught it on a rattletrap. It was kind of small and the only one we caught (not to mention that Andy named it Wally while it was in the livewell) so we released it. Walleye is the best tasting fish there is in my opinion. Bob Watski brought a bunch of it down to Lake Fork a couple of years ago. Yum Yum.

Hapro - Tex and I will be LIVING on 'Eyes 3.5 months !!! mmmmmm

You coming back to Wisconsin? Maybe this time?
Mmmm...I love eye samiches:wub::cool:

The eye fishing forecsat for Ohio(erie) this year is supposed to be phenominal:D

Can't wait:)
Greg - No WI this year, that was a one time Dude Ranch trip with my in-law family, sorry dude.

Yep, that's a Lanier Walleye! I've never caught more than two in a day on Lanier (in 10 yrs.+) and both doubles were purely accidental. (Once on a Rat'l Trap and another time on a crankbait.) I've caught singles, 2 or 3 a year, jigging a spoon or on an occasional crankbait, but this is my biggest this year. I got a toad 7 lber in a night tourney years back. (She went to the house for a "warm bath" also! LOL!) This one was close to 4 lbs., but I believe she'd already spawned (notice the tail) which would have added a pound or so. The only down side was that she hit fourth or fifth fish into a school of 3-4lb. spots and the fish just before her came to the surface and shook, coming undone. I'd swear it was a 2lb.-ish Walleye also! She hit on the very next cast. They were pushed up on a breezy long red clay point towards the back of a creek, creaming threadfin. Me and some friends from BPS travel up to NW Ont. every Summer to catch these critters all day long. This girl would have definitely made it over the slot and into a frying pan up there as well!

Here's a pic from last year after chunking a spoon into surfacing schoolers.
http://www.zjstech.net/~library/1930/Lake Lanier Walleye.jpg