Uncle Billy, where are you??

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I'm right up there at the top of the page Bubby.:D Thanks for your concern, I really appreciate it!

We had a pretty bad storm here a couple of weeks ago and two big limbs from one of my maple trees broke off and literally joined Nancy and I in the house. One came through the roof and ceiling of our bedroom and the other through our den. The water damage was pretty bad so we've been busy cleaning up personal items while worker's are constantly in and out fixing it all. There's just a little more to do thank goodness.:wacko:

So thanks again my friend!

Uncle Billy
Bill - VERY Glad you and Nancy and the pups are alright! You guys just hang in the pool sitting lemonade while they fix the place up!
Glad you guys were not hurt... Stuff is just "stuff" (Even George Carlin Agreed); but you guys are irreplaceable..
Wow,...glad you're okay....and to think the $#%# birds pecking holes in the side of my house is bad...i can't imagine a freakin' TREE coming thru the roof uninvited!!:blink:

Anybody have any good recipe's for grilled starlings??:angry::rolleyes::huh: