Uncle Billy, are you doing o.k.?

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Hi Bubby,

Thanks so much for asking. It seems that the more Doctor's I go to the less they know what's wrong. I shouldn't say that, they're trying very hard to figure out what's wrong but just can't get a handle on it. They have me pretty much where I can somewhat function normally and not be in a lot of pain but that's because I take a bunch of pills <ugh>.. For instance, right now I take something (I forget the name) that makes me feel ok but also makes me want to sleep all the time. So then they give me something that's supposed to counteract that and let me stay awake..I don't like doing that

but have realized that it's something I have to do. I sometimes try to get off some of the pills by myself without Nancy knowing but both times I've tried it turned into a disaster and I had a bad relapse. So as it stands, the nerve damage is still pretty bad and I've been told it can go away tomorrow or never at all. My equilibrium and balance isn't very good so I have to be very careful.

Thanks Bubby. I truly appreciate the concern.

Uncle Billy
Dang Billy,

I'm sorry to hear you are still having these problems. I know what you mean about meds for the problem and then more meds for the side affects of the first med and more meds for the side affects of that one and on and on in a vicious circle. I have been having the same aggrevations.

I will continue to pray for the docs to find your problem and God to heal it.

Take care

Uncle Billy,

Do you take your bucket of meds at night or in the AM?

Whichever, try the opposite and see what happens. Reversing the intake time of day seems to have cleared up my nausea and I mean projectile vomiting (as in the "The Exorcist").

Thanks to Mrs. Oldgringo - not the sawbones.


Thanks JDJ. You know you're still on my and Nancy's list.

I take a load in the a.m. and a load in the p.m., and we have switched them them around in numerous combinations, thanks to one of my Doctor's and Mrs. Uncle Billy. I think I've tried every combination there is Old Gringo.. But thanks for the advice and concern. I appreciate it.

Uncle Billy
Uncle Billy, George Burns said it best. If we knew we were going to live this long, we should have taken better care of ourselves.

Uncle Billy.... Your "equiblibrium and balance" weren't real good before... you volunteered to exit by the side door out of a perfectly functioning airplane while at 10,ooo feet... LOL...

Oh, and the take a pill because of that other pill... They manufacture them to do that... sells more pills... Don't I know that routine...

Now, seriously, don't try to self medicate (or in your case UN-medicate)... just keep working with them... If you look at the history from where you really started... Slowly things improve... And, sometimes getting old... well it is just getting old.... we don't heal as quick as we used to... I'm still praying for you and have good poditive thoughts...