U.S.M.C. 2nd son leaves.

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
My second son Matthew age 20. Left this evening for M.C.R.D. San Diego at 6:30 . I can't tell you how I felt to see him go out the door knowing he wouldn't be walking back through it for another 13+ wks. It starts though with extreme pride.

I raised both of my older boys buy myself .Gaining custody when Mike was 2 1/2 and Matt just 12 month's old before I remarried 10 years later. Matt was always the one we had to look out for and his older brother took it to heart.When Matt was being bullyed at school and being hassled on the way home it was Mike who would always find out about it first.It wouldn't take him long before it was Mike walking behind the bully that was behind Matt ! Needless to say Mike at that point would never show mercy.

Those of you who meet mike know him for just what he is,kind ,polite ,well mannered,and most of all a great since of humor.Just don't mess with his brother! He has many brother's know and takes that to heart also.

Matt finally hit his growth spert by 10th grade and didn't have to many problems after that.At 6'2"165 he can take care of himself. Matt learned Not to be bothered by the little thinks .

Both boys love god and country and are willing to prove it by serving with some of the best this country has to offer as a United States Marine.

I HAVE met Mike, and he is a Sheephead to be proud of!!!

Thanx to both of your boys, and may God keep 'em safe.

You know what that bond of "brotherhood" means to me... I am very proud to know you and your family and to welcome Mike and Matt into my brotherhood...

Give him my best Mark,...you should be proud and wait'll you see them both together in their "Blues,....Holy $hit Batman,....that'll put a lump in your throat!!

Time will fly by!!

Not only have I met Mike, I've fished with him.

You've got a LOT to be proud of, Mark!

Salute both of your sons for me!

And I salute you for raising them!
Thank you all for your kind words. I am very proud of my boys and the decisions theirmaking.I still have three boys and my daughter at home to keep me busy.LOL

Mike will through with the first part of his schooling by the time Matt graduates so he'll be able to join us in San Diego . That will be one of the best days of my life!
Congrats Mark. I know you're a proud Poppa. I will always remember Family Day and Graduation at PI last year when my son graduated. Not a dry eye in the place. Tried to talk my daughter into signing up so I could go through it again but she wasn't having any of it! LOL Hutch
Thank Carlos,

He's in Bravo Co. The same Co. that my son Michael started basic with until he broke.

He made the call home last night ,it was on are service QUOTE; You already know the drill I'll sent you my address soon.

He'll make it fine if for no other reason because his brother made it!

I was telling someone the other day about both boys being in the Marines, He asked me " IS THAT A TRADITION WITH YOUR FAMILY?" I quickly replied ,It is know !
HAHAH Nice and short. I did not get a phone call until weekend liberty in third phase. I think mom and dad were sent a MARS gram to let them know I made it ok.

Good tradition for sure!!