Two Thumbs Up to Mom Hathcock!!

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
I got my chance to shake your son's hand last night!

You raised yourself one fine man!

You raised yourself a Marine to be proud of!

And..... While he may not know how to stop and ask directions..... He sure knows where to find good prime rib once he gets there! (Eventually! LOL!!)

God Bless you!

Where did you finally settle on for "eats"?

Sorry I couldn't come out and play, too....
We went to Lone Star. First time I had ever eaten there..... GOOD food! Excellent service! Our "cashier" was friendly, too!

Sunday still looking good for you, Greg?

Same deal - I give you a call 30 minutes out of Hannibal?
Waws nice to meet you too Me! Bummer that you were not able to make it Greg. Dinern would have been a hoot!

Sorry we were late me!, but the chow was good. You have an uneventful trip back??

Too uneventful, Carlos..... I hate driving in Illinois in the winter..... Nuthin' but plowed under corn fields. And at night - you can't see them but you know that they're out there! LOL!!

I was home and in bed about an hour and a half after I left you guys.

It was a REAL pleasure to shake your hand, Sir!

And that is exactly why I "Sir" him!

He has EARNED my respect!

For the past 20 years, Carlos has been willing, if called upon, to put his life on the line to keep my little world safe..... At one point, he put his life on the line to keep the lives of those in Kuwait safe..... That is a "Sir" if ever I saw one!

God Bless you, Carlos!

I know, Bill! :)

I was just taking that opportunity to thank Carlos and our military/police/firefighters everywhere!
Carlos and the tens of thousands of others who have served are why the Corps is the Corps... And, you do get to sleep safe because the Corps (and maybe one or two old airborne guys) is there...

And, I know for an absolute fact that the NCO's let the Commandant think he is running things... I sure let my Platoon NCO's "advise" me at all times... And, believe me I needed lots of advice...
Well, I'm not sleeping but I do feel safer knowing those guys are looking out for me and may God bless each and every one of them.

See ME! I told ya HAHAHAHAAH exactly the same thing that Bill B said HAHAHAHAHAH

Yes, Bill, agree with you 100%!!!!!

Yes, Sir! I'll keep that in mind, Sir! :)

I had always wanted to bump-draft with Dale Earnhardt..... me pushing him of course..... Sadly I never got the chance..... Never even got to see what he looked like face to face.....

For some time now, I've thought it would be really neat to spend a day fishin' with Penny Berryman..... She hasn't called..... ...yet.....

You know how when you're a kid..... How excited you get when you get a chance to go to a fire house and be surrounded by firemen.....

Or the commercial a few years ago where the kid hands Mean Joe Green his bottle of Coke and Mean Joe throws him back his jersey.....

You know how you feel in the presence of Heros.....

That's how I felt sitting at dinner the other night with Carlos and Mike.....