Tundra or Animal den

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
Reaction score
Underwood Iowa
Well I finally got the Tundra out of Storage last Sunday and when I took the cover off DID I HAVE A SURPRISE. Some animal had been using it for it's winter den. I found pheasant feathers, pigeon parts, bones, rabbit poop, and many little cotton tails. Fur about a quarter inch deep under the counsole. It took me about four hours to clean up. And thank god for commerical carpet protector spray.

The boat hasn't even been in the water six times and it's Noah's arc.

Well, hope they didn't have wiring for dessert-:lol:.
Better than what happened to me about 10 yrs ago. A cat jumped into my boat and had a litter of kittens. Now that will put a cramp in the fishing. It took 2 weeks for the cat to move them out of there, thank God.
A former club member of ours had a new Triton TR-21X. He plugged in his onboard charger, and kept the rear bilge door open to let it vent a bit. He put his cover on the boat, but left the bilge door open. About a week later, we have a tournament, so he loads up his boat, pulls the power cord, closes the hatch, and drives 3 hours to the Potomac river. He gets out on the water to his first spot and starts fishing. This is when he hears "scratching noises" coming from inside the hull. He opens up all his compartments, but doesn't see a thing. Figuring it was a cat, he opens the back hatch again and leaves it open, hoping the cat would eventually come out or start meowing so he could remove it. When he finally heard rummaging around in the stern area of his boat, he turned to be greated by a fairly large, pissed off, racoon. :eek: :unsure:

I don't know if you have ever been around a ticked off racoon... but I'd rather it have been something else if I were him. Luckily, he said it evenually decided to part company with him, and left the boat. He was actually scared to close the hatch because he thought there may have been more than one in there. Luckily, it was a lone animal.

All the best,

I've heard keep fresh dryer sheets in there about once a month and you'll never have a rodent problem...haven't done it myself.
Moth balls in the compartments have always worked for me. Never a problem. My partner built a new barn, put his boat in it a few years ago, went to get it out in the spring and wiring and cork on many of his Falcon rods was all chewed up. Took forever to clean it all. Once he found his bilge to have jammed and found it crammed with pellets! Luckily it was the easy to clean kind.

I had mothballs everywhere. It wasn't a rodent. Some kind of predator. My guess it was a feral cat. Whatever it was it was big enough to kill rabbits and pheasants.


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