Try this with fiberglass!

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John Watts

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2003
Reaction score
A couple of weeks ago my youngest son was graduating from William and Mary Law and that weekend we had a big party. On Saturday I was giving a lot of boat rides, so I just tied the boat up to the pier instead of putting it back on the lift. On Sunday morning my middle son took the boat out fishing and tied it up again when he got back, then we all went off the the graduation. While we were gone a huge storm blew up that had not been predicted. When we came back it was pouring rain and winds were 25-30, gusting higher. I looked down to the pier to see that the stern line had broken loose and the boat was flopping at the end of a bow line in 3 footers. While doing this it would occasionally bang against the dock, coming up from underneath. I was able to jump aboard, cut it loose, and get it around and up on the lift and out of danger.

Where the starboard combing was banging the dock it knocked several boards off and broke one in half:



The only damage I could find on the boat was that the combing was bent:


So I got out my "aluminum hull repair kit":


And after careful application of the same here was the result:


Good as new! I can't say the same for the dock, it's going to take a little more work to make those repairs.


yeah thats messed up, my old starcraft flipped over tied to the dock, and broke the lines then sank in about 8 ft of water up on the ST lawrence river, it took most of the campground to get it out and flipped over to get back on the trailer:eek:
Trying that with First-Class-Glass would not be advisable, so why are you doing so? :lol::lol::lol: