Trip to DC

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Blair Allen2

New Member
Mar 8, 2007
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Hey guys, I'm going with my brother and his 11 year old son to DC next weekend to see the monuments and the smithsonian. We have never been so I'm looking for any tips on travel, hotels, etc. We are coming from southwestern virginia. I would think it would be easier to stay outside of DC and ride the metro in but I have no clue. Any help would be appreciated.
Blair, there are a lot of other's that can give you the scoop on where to stay and all of that, I just don't know enough. But I did want to tell you that if you're out looking at the memorials, don't forget the Viet Nam Memorial. It's really something to see no matter what your politics were at the time. Have a great trip!

Uncle Billy
Check out Mount Vernon and the White House if it is open for tours, most of the Hotels drop their prices on Friday and Saturday nights.

We always stayed in Alexandria and used the car to get around.

From the direction you are coming I think you could, if time allows, visit Jefferson and Monroe's homestead. Jefferson's is neat.

There is a Metro station at Franconia/Springfield that we always use. It is just south of the outerbelt on I95 and it keeps you out of the traffic.

A Metro pass for the whole day is $6 per person and I think it's less for kids. You can ride pretty close to most of the monuments, but plan to do some walking. I think you can get the metro map online. Parking at the Metro stations is $3 per day during the week and free on the weekends. You have to buy a card to pay the $3 before you leave the metro station. You cant pay cash, so if you forget you will be walking back to the station.

Franconia/Springfield has some long term parking spots where you can leave your car overnight, but the rest of the parking is daily only. I think the long term parking is on the J deck.

If you leave your car there overnight, you only pay for the day you leave. So if you go in on Friday and out on Saturday, you dont have to pay anything.

The natural history museum in the Smithsonian is my kids' favorite. Dinosaurs, animals, and the hope diamond (wife's favorite!). We have never stayed in DC since we live in Richmond and are only 90 minutes away.

Hope this helps

If possible I would stay in Old Town Alexandria, there is a Metro stop on King St. Also it is convenient to Arlington Cemetary, Iwa Jima Memorial, Mount Vernon and all the DC sites. Plenty of places to eat and see in Old Town itselft and you would never have to get in the car.

Here is there website, have fun.

Welcome! Lots to do and see in DC. You'll have more than enough (probably too much!) to see in a single weekend. Given those timeframes, I would recommend staying for the downtown highlights like the Smithsonians (e.g., Natural History, Air&Space, etc.), the Memorials (Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Vietnam, Korean and WWII). Those alone are two days worth right there! Not to mention checking out the sights in Georgetown, the Iwo Jima memorial across the Key bridge, and some of the other stuff folks mentioned. I will say that heading to Mount Vernon is fun but a day trip in and of itself.

As for where to stay, the hotels closer to metros are generally more expensive, but if you plan to head downtown, the higher prices are worthwhile. Parking is atrocious and you will literally spend hours trying to find a spot (without the guarantee of success!). You may want to consider the hotels in the Rosslyn area of Arlington, Virginia. They are close to the metro and tend to be pretty reliable as well as clustered all around. Still, don't be surprised to hear prices in the $200/night range per room. Unless you head way out, that's a typical price for metro accessible hotels. The Crystal City area of Arlington also has a LOT of hotels (Marriots, Hyatts, Hiltons, etc.)

Check out the subway (known as the "metro" in DC) system maps at to plan your trip. Have fun and feel free to ask any more questions!
The bad thing about that area is that there is just too much to see and do.

We lived in Chesapeake Va. for 14 years and I will say there a lot of places and things that we did not see or do.

I am biased towards Old Town Alexandria. That is my old stomping grounds as my dad was a career firefighter stationed on Prince street and my Mom worked there at city hall. The Holiday INN near city Hall is nice as it is walking distance to many shops, restaurants (My favorite is the "FishMarket" at King and Union streets) waterfront, and torpedo factory art complex. All the major Hotels offer free shuttle to the metro stations too. During the week I would advise against hopping on the metro during prime commuting times to avoid the work crowd but weekends should be ok. I was born and raised in "Alex" so if you have other questions shoot me an e-mail.
I can see the fountain in front of the White House (ground zero/that's why I travel so much) from my office window. Been down there with the Dept. of Justice for a few years now so I'm not a tourist.

3 things:

1. The best view of DC is in your rear view mirror!

2. If you really want to see the REAL DC, get to Union Station on the 1st train in and just walk around a few blocks. Don't need to go far. You can see the trash/beer cans/empty pints in the streets, multitudes of homeless sleeping on the grates, you will get asked for spare change every 100 feet, you can count the syringes laying in the gutter

(better than slug bug!), and if your lucky you can watch the merchants run the bums out from in front of their store fronts so they can hose off the human waste before they open!

3. Make sure your out of there before it gets dark! The gangs run the streets after the sun sets. A walk through Bagdad at night would be safer. Survey says....DC Metro has more murders per sq mile than LA and 11 mile in Detriot put together.

I go in armed each day. A little edge maybe???:cool:


I have presented the facts and only the facts!:lol::lol::lol:

I can post some pictures of DC's finest if that would help? If I give them a few cigs and some loose change I can probably get them to pony up in a portrait for the cell camera?

Oh, did I say the war memorials are nice?:)

I don't work there, but I've been there many times. I have never been ask for anything by a number fo folks who appeared down on their luck. You have a jaded and inaccurate picture of what a tourist will face.

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