Tred Barta......

  • Thread starter TOMMY RICH [URL]
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That is certainly sad and good thoghts will be held. Sad as well, but not nearly as disconcerting, is why this poster would need to tell the world that he and Ted don't see eye-to-eye on some things.
That's really a shame. I hope he fully recovers, and does so quickly.

I feel particularly bad because when I saw "Tred Barta", my initial response (in my head) before opening the link was "Oh man... here we go again. What did he do now?". I'm not a Tred Barta show fan. I've always hated his show...

However - I don't wish what he is going through on anyone. I sincerely hope that he makes a full recovery, and even though I won't watch it - I hope he gets back to doing what he loves and that "the show goes on".

Get well soon Tred!

All the best,


Tons of hunters (including me) don't see eye to eye with Tred. That doesn't mean that we don't care about the man's well-being. It's an internet forum - conversations take place. I wouldn't read much into it.

All the best,

I'm not a big fan of his either,...but I don't like to see/hear about anyone being deprived of the opportunity to pursue their passion! That blows!!
I met Tred last month while I was fishing in Guatemala and the guy is a riot. He was down there filming his show and was at the same lodge as my party so we hung out quite a bit and got to hear some really funny stories. There was never a dull moment when Tred was around. Prior to that trip I had watched his show a few times and didn't like it but after meeting the man and getting to know him I had a new appreciation. My prayers are with him for a full recovery.
Woody,..that's cool....I've had the same experience with lot's of other folks too....I wasn't really fired up over Jason Quinn's "look" when he first started fishing Pro T's,..the shock and awe was a little much for this old guy,..LOL BUT, after meeting him and talking to him lots of times at BPS stores, my 'tude changed 180deg.....he's a GREAT GUY, and very appreciative of his fans....I'm a JQ fan now thru and thru!!;)
I don't even know who Tred is but being sick isn't something I'd wish on anyone. I hope he makes a full recovery. Life is way too short.


Thanks for the insight of what he is like in person. I find that a lot of people are like that - one way for the cameras, another way in person. Good to hear that he was great to be around.


Funny - but I had the same impression of Jason Quinn when I first saw him on TV. But I met him at BPS Hampton and was nothing but impressed. He's a great person to talk to, and I truly am glad to have met him and shook his hand. He's an extremely nice guy.


Agreed - Doesn't matter who he is. I hope he makes a full recovery. I wouldn't wish what he is going through on anyone.

All the best,
