Well-Known Member
Since I purchased my 2018 Pro Guide V16, I always wanted to install a transducer on my MinnKota 42Lb Power Drive that came with the boat. Replacing it with a more capable Bow Mount with a built in Transducer was out of the question financially. When I installed my Lowrance Elite Ti2 with the 3+1 transducer at the helm, I had to remove one of my Split Shot Transducers. I decided to mount that on my Bow Mount Power Drive and hook that up to my Hook2 5" at the bow. The way Lowrance designed the Split Shot transducer it is really easy to mount on the bow mount motor housing. The hard part to the whole process is running the cable up the shaft to the locator with out pinching the wire. There is no right way to do that, I've looked at many You Tube videos on the subject and have made my own decision. I took many pictures and will explain how I did it, sooo here we go! Plz don't comment till i'm through