Trailstar trailer 2003 bearings

  • Thread starter John Millspaugh
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Jul 3, 2013
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Just stumbled onto this site and looks like a great site! I probably have been lucky but I have a 2003 Trailstar trailer matched to my 185 Tracker that I bought new in 2003. I have always kept my bearings full of grease and always jack it up once a year to check for play or wobble or noise. So far, everything still seems as tight as it did when it was new. I probably average around 2500 to 3500 miles per year on it.

I stopped by the parts dealer for Tracker last weekend as I happened to be in the area and wanted to pick up a spare hub with bearings kit. The guy told me that the one in the catalog that is sold by BP wouldn't fit but he could make one up for me. Well, he started looking to see what it took and decided he couldn't make one up for me after all as the hub had been discontinued. So, I said, if I damage my hub I have to buy a whole new trailer?? No, he said, I would just have to buy the hub from someone else as they don't do business with the manufacturer of the hub any longer! Interesting but not surprising, I guess.

On another note, he told me I was long past due for repacking my bearings and that it should be done. I am somewhat in limbo about this since everything seems tight and OK to me. I know it wouldn't hurt anything to check them and that is my intent now but I am wondering if this is a straight spindle or whether it is cone shaped. He told me he didn't think he had ever seen one that was straight but if it is considered a 1 and 1/16 diameter on the outside then I will need to know the inside as well. He told me he couldn't find the size for the inside. Since he couldn't find a different size, I am wondering if it might just be straight and I am also wondering if the kit sold by Bass Pro just might fit. Any help is appreciated! Thanks for a great site!
It's a 5 minute job to pop the hub off, I suggest you do that, have a good look at the bearings and repack, write down the bearing number thats stamped into the bearing and just buy yourself a spare set at any auto parts store. I have a set, with a seal, greased up in a zip tie bag always in the boat just in case. Very cheap insurance.
If you've been running this long without any problems, I wouldn't change what your doing. It's working leave it alone.
Therein in lies the confusion for me. One thought is to check them and repack at the least and the other is not to do anything as there really doesn't seem to be any problems.

Anyone know if this is a straight spindle or not? I have a feeling I am going to be pulling them off to look but thought someone else probably has been there and done that.

Thanks guys! I may just go fishin instead! :rolleyes:
They are not maintenance free. All bearings wear out. Do you want to know when they need replacing, or do you want to be surprised 100 miles from home.:lol:
I don't want any surprises, who would? That is why I am trying to be a little proactive but I hear so many things such as, if it isn't broke, don't fix it etc.

Anyway, I had some time today and took one of them off. It isn't a straight spindle. They looked very good yet but I decided I would go ahead and replace them since my buddy thought he had everything we needed. He did. He is a farmer and a fisherman and keeps at least two or three of everything he thinks he may ever need! Turned out the inside race he had for his Nitro (don't remember the year) was a hair bigger than I needed but the bearing was the same bearing. Weird but true. He ended up finding the right race for the bearing but thought that was interesting.

Right now, here is what I know about an 03 Trailstar trailer for a 185 BassTracker.

The two O rings that go on the outside of the seal are size R-29.

The seal is a size 1.68 and is CARQUEST part number 473317.

The inside bearing is an L68149 with race and part number A-13 CARQUEST.

The outside bearing is a L44649 with race and the carquest part is A4

Hopefully this will help somebody. Now, if I can figure out what hub I can get with the correct bearings in them and get the other side changed out, I will be set for another 10 years! ;)
Just remember though, just because it is the same bearing doesn't mean it is the same race.

We found that out yesterday very quickly as my buddy thought he had the exact same bearings, and he did. But, his race was a 68111 for the 68149 bearing while mine required a 68110. You can beat as hard as you want on the 68111 and it won't go in the hub! :wacko:

Now, I am trying to come up with a spare hub ready to go in case everything doesn't work out for me on the open road. I think I have found one at Discount Trailer Parts Direct online but I need to make sure the seal outside diameter is correct. I know the inside is on the one I am looking at as the inside of mine is 1.68 but not sure if the outside is 2.55. If it is, looks like I can get the whole thing for cheaper than I bought one set of bearings and races from CARQUEST for. CARQUEST seems a bit high!

On a side note, is there a way to get notification by email on threads you are watching?