Tracker with floor issues.

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Geo F

Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2004
Reaction score
Got the new (to me) tracker home over weekend. There is a soft spot in the floor next to the console (as advertised).

Anyone have any experience in replacing floors that could offer advice? The boat is a MV-16...thinking of doing a complete recarpet while baot is apart but wondering if I should hold off till fall with the season so close. Major or minor job? level of difficulty?


I don't have any advice for your boat, but congrats on getting a "new to you" boat. I'm sure someone here will have some good advice for you concerning the floor/carpet.

Bob G.
I'd give it the full Monte. Carpet, deck the whole nine yards while you have it apart. It the search on this site it's been covered before. It's not that hard just time consuming. Try and keep the old carpet and floor intact as possible to use as a template for the new stuff.
