Tracker Rod Box

  • Thread starter Clarence Perry2
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Clarence Perry2

New Member
Apr 3, 2004
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This my second time asking this question. Perhaps the person I need is no longer visiting the site.

I have a 185 and am mo0difing the rod boxes by putting tubes and claps in to separate the rods. The spinning rods require larger tubes and IOdo not want to use PVC,. There is another type tube a guy used in his boat and he posted it on the site. It was black 2 in material but I canno find it. It started with a B as I recall.

Any help out there? My email is [email protected]
Posts about this were very recent if I remember correctly, did you use the search feature.....someone will direct you.

If I remember right it was some kind of tubing or ducting he got at a home depot that is used in the home for something.Sorry my memory banks shorting out these days.Comes with age I guess.
By the way. I got some of those rod holders with the foam inserts for mounting on a verticle surface.I screwed them to the inboard wall and stick my rods in there.This gave me all kinds of room in the bottom for othere things or more rods.Just dont use real long screws or the will stick out in the center compartment.
I think he used that thin wall PVC tubing that is used for home central vaccum systems.
I used a big black PVC line used for drainage for mine. I think it was like 5 inches in diameter and I hung it from inside the rod locker with L brackets hanging down from underneath the deck. I can store about 10-15 rods without the reels. The real pain in the @ss was crawling half-way inside the rod locker to install the tube. I used a 5 foot section and you cannot even see the tube when you open the rod locker. Most of the tube is under the deck. Good Luck dude.