Tracker financing

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Don't go through Tracker, when I got my new rig back in March the rate was 7.9%, My insurance is through State Farm, when I got insurance on it, they told me about the rates through them for the same term. I refinanced it for 4.9%..........Make sure you check around, same with Cars, don't always go witht he dealer, cuz they need their cut too.
yep love the 911 looking at the end of the year as long as I can get mine sold in time my TX partner might get a boat soon if so i can get it out there for sale quicker so if ya know anyone looking for a 2000 911 225 EFI loaded GPS and all for 20 OBO I did the NADA it was around 24k .

wow I would love 4.9% on a boat my credit union is offering 7.75% for 144 months
ya interest up front but then the boat is 42k and don't want a payment over 400 bucks what can ya do i'll only have a few grand to put down. but a used 04-06 next year is not out of the question for the right price
I waiting for the 40 year boat loan.. To go along with my 50 year mortgage. Heck i don't expect to live that long.

Hutch let me know when you sell your 911, I'd be really curious what you get for it.

Good luck.
Glad mine's paid for too....:)

My wife even gave me the go-ahead to get a new boat, if I sell the Tracker and the Jeep to use as a down payment. just can't seem to bring myself to get back into making payments again. Unless the right deal on a used one comes along.;)

If I bought a $40,000 boat, I couldn't afford to go fishing anymore.:(

Sure would look purdy sitting in my driveway though.:wub:

Hutch - None of my business, but since you posted it ... "the boat is 42k and don't want a payment over 400 bucks what can ya do i'll only have a few grand to put down." You have a 911, if you don't have the cash to buy a new boat, why sell what you have? Why pay the bank the interest over 10+ years? I just don't get it?

I know, I know, some folks gotta have a new boat, but not me. If I can't buy a "toy" for cash or at the MOST a 2 year payoff, then I don't realy want it that much.

I just hate to see folks pay the bank that much and then watch the unlucky folks get laid off, fired, divorced or other hardships and loose their boat, truck and other stuff. Heck I saw a guy on BFHP that went through bankruptcy but saved his boat, no truck or trailer to drive/live in but had the boat!! LOL

Priorities dudes and dudettes!! I'm with ya Steve!
Yes you can "won't be able to cause of the loan." Jason, just trade it to the dealer so they inflate the value of your trade and the price of the new boat, and you'll be upside down the minute you drive the new boat off the lot!!! LOL

Sorry, couldn't resist. The other option folks due is use a Home Equity Line/Loan, especialy if you were bright enough to lock it at 4-5%, but then again the problem is if you loose your job/earning capabilities you don't loose the boat, you loose your HOUSE if you can't make the payments.

'99 Nitro 700lx - Paid Cash, the only way!!! I'll drive it till another great deal comes along! Anyone want King Tin back? Make me a SWEET deal on a Avalanche or Tundra 18!!! BBWWAAAA

Wait - $22k in interest over the 10+ year loan. Hey Hutch, send me your credit app, i'll only charge you $20k in interest!! Then I can buy myself a nice used Tundra 18 with a 175 Opti and have a Tin fish/ski!!!
I financed my boat with the credit union because frankly I didn't have 10 grand in the bank. My wife was furious and thought we were sure to she agrees it was some of the best money we ever spent.....and she hasn't set foot on the boat in a couple of years. When I bought it my son was 12 years old and very bored with fishing off the bank not catching anything. For the 200 bucks a month we pay for the PT-185 my son and I have had some great times together, traveling to Lake Fork to meet Wolfcount and some of the other NTOWS guys or to McGee Creek for tent camping. Conversations and discussions we've had that we never would have had at home with the TV on. I firmly believe that my son and I are much closer just because of the boat. Andy is 16 now and more interested in his car, girls, and school activities than fishing with dad but I know that I made my mark on his personality and the man he will become and years after I'm gone he'll remember me by some of the experiances we had on that little tin boat. If that ain't worth 6 or 7% then I don't know what is.

That said I do agree that paying intrest on $42,000 for 12 years is not good business UNLESS your earning tournament money every month or you're married to a girl who's maiden name is Walton.:rolleyes:


You think your wife was mad, you should have seen mine.:angry:

I was on my way to work one morning when I spotted my boat for sale. I stopped in to check it out quickly, when the owner came out to talk. After a few minutes we had a deal.

I went to the local payphone and called off work.;)

Then it was off to a loan company I had dealt with in the past, and knew I could get the money on the spot.(but at a high rate).:(

Once I had check in hand, it was back to get the boat. We went and transferred all the paperwork. Stopped and bought a hitch for my truck on the way back,and installed it in his garage.

And I then towed the boat home to show the wife my prize.......:D She was clueless and thought I was at work all day.

Needless to say,,,she was MAAAAAAAAAAAAAD

But I have found sometimes it is easier to ask for forgiveness,than it is to ask for permission.
Great story Steve. Similar to how I bought my boat BUT I had to get my wife's signature on the loan paper. She's one of those "the glass is half empty and it'll never be filled again" kind of gals. Then I had to start spending on a hitch, insurance, PFD's, cover, state tag stickers for the boat and motor, battery charger, more tackle, more tackle, more tackle..... But when Andy came home with that first Crappie he caught she saw it was all worth it.

My Motto....

But I have found sometimes it is easier to ask for forgiveness,than it is to ask for permission

Steve and Harpo - Great stories, but notice, in neither did you bought a $40k + boat over 10+ years. I HAD to finance my 2000 Tracker for 10 years, because the rate on a 2 year loan was TWICE the rate!!!! I paid it off in 18 month after getting a good bonus, had planned to pay it off in 2 years, but the 10 year rate was too good to pass up for 2 years.

Fish on my bruthasfromanothamutha!!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot....I took delivery of the boat on the day before Mothers Day and we went fishing on Mothers Day. Not good

I financed via Bass Tracker, they sent me to Bank of America 6.9%, 120 months. The best finance I could find at my local banks was 10.5% and I have great credit! I have a 10 year loan but always pay more so I should have it paid off in 6 years, then again if I'm short at Xmas I can pay a minimum payment if I want.
I financed via Bass Tracker, they sent me to Bank of America 6.9%, 120 months. The best finance I could find at my local banks was 10.5% and I have great credit! I have a 10 year loan but always pay more so I should have it paid off in 6 years, then again if I'm short at Xmas I can pay a minimum payment if I want.
I financed via Bass Tracker, they sent me to Bank of America 6.9%, 120 months. The best finance I could find at my local banks was 10.5% and I have great credit! I have a 10 year loan but always pay more so I should have it paid off in 6 years, then again if I'm short at Xmas I can pay a minimum payment if I want.
Thanks for all the info I'm not sure what to do. I might get a nother used one or a new one but this will have to last for a long time. I'm just tired of dumping money in to this boat I have had it for 3 years and put 5k into it mostly a new trailer but with no warranty on anything becomes a pain and expensive eveytime I turn around something else is going wrong I fix what I can myself but finding and getting parts takes time. and the closest dealer is 100 miles away. I'm very gratefull for what I have I'm not wanting a new one for looks and all the fancy stuff I want something to work when I need it and when it don't iIcan get it fixed under warranty as long as that lasts. anyway thanks everyone got me thinking and won't maks a fast move.

Mac - What are you financing boatwise?? You sell the Ranger?
No...The Ranger's still for sale, but my memo was due, i had to buy it to pay it off.

No big deal.....atleast i have a kickass boat for the summer!!..LOL (Wana buy it???:wub:)
Mac - I BOUGHT my boat last Aug, gotta keep her for at least 5 years, so unless you can sell me the Ranger for what I can sell my '99 Nitro for, OH and get GM to swap my Kia van for a Truck to tow that heavy Ranger with, i'm not in the game!!! LOL
Put the crack pipe away!!;)...oh,..and your dream rig 929,..weighs MORE than my "heavy Ranger"!!

Carry on,

You Ain't kiddin Mac.

All Boats greater than 20'

My Ranger 488 20'3" = 1375 lbs

Mac's Z20 20'5" = 1735lbs

929 20'9" = 1920 lbs


Talk about a led sled huh :lol:
Hey Mac - Naw, my Dream rig is EVEN heavier!! A 911 with a 300 Merc Opti!!! LOL That's why I need ya to get me the FREE Avalanche to tow her with!!!! BBWWWAAAAA