Tracker drain plug (again)

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John Glover

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
OK, the BPS Tracker dealer no longer can get the fine thread plastic drain plug that fits the threads on my 97 PT 18, and no, the ones at WalMart and now even at BPS are the coarse thread and will not fit. So, I have to convert to the new housing. Unfortunately, that housing, i.e., the female part of the assembly, is riveted into the boat.

Question Nr. 1: Anyone know the exact diameter of those rivets so I might get away with drilling out the old rivets and then be able to rivet the new housing right back in there?

Question Nr. 2: If that doesn't sound like the right way to do it, do I use, let's say, a 1/8" drill bit to drill out the old rivets, then screw the housing in with SS screws?

Question Nr. 3: Is my BPS Tracker parts desk guy full of BS?

The problem is, the old plug was fine as long as I kept the O rings fresh, but now the shoulder of that plug is warped slightly and I believe that's where I'm getting a little water into the boat. Even a new O ring won't seat flat against the housing now. Have checked the live well connections, etc. and all is OK there.


Drill em out and screw the new one in. USe lots of sealant and let it cure for at least 24 hours....

"My" parts department is pretty reliable and can give you the straight skinny. Call them at 816-524-2277.
Have you tried an expandable plug like what came with my 2002 PT 185? They're available everywhere and are cheaper and a lot's quicker than what you're about to do.

"Forward ever, backwards never"! Somebody said that.