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John W

New Member
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
I purchased a Targa 17 this spring. I launched it right after leaving the dealers lot. The boat, when

under power listed to port about 20 degrees and wanted to turn right. In otherwords it wanted to flip

itself. I took it back to the dealer within an hour and the next day he test drove it. His reply... The

hull is mis-aligned!!!

The Dealer makes the call to Tracker Marine's Warranty division to have the repair done and they

say."We'll pick it up and bring it to our Missouri factory, access the problem, and act accordingly.

This was April 6th. The boat is still at the Dealer. Seven trucks have been to Dealers office and not

one of them has had the orders to pick up the boat!!

The Dealer and I have made several calls to Trackers customer service and I get the same run

around. In fact the last time I spoke to Karen I said "I spent a lot of money on a boat that I wanted to

use opening weekend of fishing here in Wisconsin I have already reserved the cabin and all I need is

a boat, but it's still sitting in the dealers warehouse and you will not pick it up! Can I get a date that

that will happen? Her reply.....

We are picking this boat up as a courtesy to you! It is a traffic issue and there is nothing I can do

about that!!!!

Does anyone know a name or number of anyone in the Tracker organization that can make a

decision???? Does anyone know the name of a good Attorney???

I looked at many boats before making the decision to buy and hands down this was the boat I

wanted. BUYER BEWARE!!!!!! They are marvelous boats but they seem to be growing faster than

they can manage!!!!!
Does Wisconsin have 'Lemon laws'? I hope it doesn't come to that, but if so I would look into it.

Rich D
I bought this at Jim's Marina not Bass Pro but either way the warrenty work is done by Tracker. Lemon Laws in Wisconsin are for Motorized vehicles ex Cars, Trucks etc. It apperantly doesn't include boats
John, Does your state have a 3 day consumer contract cancellation law? If they do as many states do, you could have told them to cancel the deal and returned the boat.

I think that in the tracker manual that it states if you are not satisfied with your boat in 30 days you can take it back and get another of same or greater value. I will check tonight in my manual (got a new Pro 17 last month) or I could have been just a brain fart. Good luck, Max

Check your're boat should be picked up tomorrow and on it's way to the factory...keep me posted.
That's what I like about you Ken.....JUST DO IT!

I keep thinking how I need to leave sunny California, sell my Basscat and move to Detriot and buy a Nitro from you, well maybe not, but you sure make a guy think!

Keep up the good stuff....

When it comes time for me to buy another boat - I know who I'm gonna call.....

I think we should all do our fishing and hunting supply shopping EXCLUSIVLY at the Bass Pro in Auburn Hills, MI. a quick BPS story...yesterday, despite my evil illness I "had" to get to BPS in Gurnee...doing some work on the boat and "had" to have parts...Took pills and flu goo...and then drove to BPS in Gurnee (90minutes) all the parts...31" receipt...(BTW great deal on a three bank Guest Charger, reg $170..$100 after $30 rebate, sale $130)

When I got home an item, an adjustable seat pole, wasn't anywhere to be found...I called, figuring it got left at the checkoput counter, they couldn't find it, NO Problem...they are mailing me call was all it took...That is customer service...Of course I think they treat me that way because if I convert my Rewards Points to stock...Mr. J. Morris will have to call me Mr. Meyer!!!! I WOULD quickly promote Mr. Neeley to GM of the world of BP.