Tracker boat on fire!

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Jefferson Coleman

New Member
Jul 13, 2007
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I bought a tracker Grizzley with a 25 hp 4 stroke Mercury at Bass Pro shop in Orlando FL. I had the boat 1 month and 2 days. I was laying in bed and I heard an explotion so I went out side and my boat was a big ball of fire. I grabed a hose knoced the fire down so that I could get to the fire extinguisher. I put the fire out. then I called bass pro and told them exactly what happened. They told me to bring the boat back to them. So I took the boat back to them. the front of the motor, gas tank, both batteries, back seat sterring wheel, stereo, fish finder, transom, and port side stern of the boat all were melted. they called three days later and said that they needed a fire report from a fire marshal. So i called orlando fire department they said it did not happen in there county so not there problem. Then I went to my local fire department they said they did not get called to the fire so they would not do it. So I called my county fire marshall and they said they did not do fire reports after the fact. So, then I called the state fire marshal and they said the same thing. So that is were I am at now. If anyone has ever herd of anything like this happening to a Tracker Boat or a Mercury Outboard please let me know. Thank you! JC
Give BPS the number of the local and state people. It is obvious that you aren't getting a report yourself from them. If that was in my garage that would have been a mess for sure......
Sorry to hear about your boat. Have you contacted your insurance agent?
I don't know what to tell you but I'm with Waterwings and would start with my insurance agent and let him figure it out?:huh:

Uncle Billy
Did you call the F.D. when the incident was occurring...?? If I'm reading your post correctly, you never called the F.D. at all, you put the fire out yourself and called BPS..?? If that's the case, I certainly would not expect that any F.D. would do any type of report on an incident they never responded to. Nor would I expect BPS to do anything until it is determined that it was in fact a defect in the boat or improper rigging on thier part. From my own personal experience dealing with Tracker Marine, I would not rely on them to make any type of determination on what happened, especially if you expect them to admit fault...that aint gonna happen...!!

Insurance companies employ fire/arson investigators for fraud investigations. You could look into that, but you would probably have to file a claim first. If it turns out to be an arson, then the F.D. and P.D. will get involved, if it turns out to be some sort of defect, then you have the necessary info for your fight with Tracker or Mercury or whomevers product caused the fire. If after filing your claim, you can prove it was a defect, then the responsible will pay your claim for you.

Or you can bypass all of the your deductible and get your boat fixed or replaced.

If you want a boat back sometime before next year, then I'd just bite the bullet and pay your deductible. Maybe if your story is convincing enough to your insurer, they'll waive your deductible and get you taken care of.

Smitty has it right. Until you have proof you cannot assume it was Trackers fault and let's be honest, even if you did have proof, it would have to be pretty clear cut (admitting that something you did caused a boat to torch is shakey territory). Either way, if it was arson or a rigging/wireing problem (do you have an onboard charger and was it plugged in?) or something else, take the path of least resistance and call your insurance co.

I had just got the boat and paid cash for it. So, I was still checking prices for the best Ins. Also there was no battery charger hooked to the boat at the time. I had went fishing the day before and never got around to hooking a battery charger to the boat. There was not even a electrical cord anywhere near the boat. I have 2 wittnesses that there was nothing hooked to the boat before or after the fire. BPS has contacted the firemarshal sence the last I posted. They got the same answer that I did. I live way out in the woods. It is about 6 plus miles in to town, and the local fire department is a joke. The last house that caught fire only one woman fireperson showed up and did nothing but watch the fire. She would not let anyone else try to put the fire out ether. If I had called them my house would have burned with the boat! My home owners Ins. does not cover anything not hooked to the house, so that also does not help. I guess I will sick my attorney on them and see if that helps. I do not have a problem spending twice what I paid for the boat in bad poblicety for BPS. I will keep you updated as to my progress. I will not take this lieing down. This was not my fault!!!! I loved the boat and all I want is the warranty honored. They need to replace my boat and motor. Also, you would think that BPS or Mercury outboards would have a fire investigator that could find out what went wrong.
There are some questions that do need to be answered about the origin of the fire.... You might want to look into retaining an independent adjuster (even though this is possibly not an insurance claim directly by you) as they have experience and knowledge in these matters...
Jefferson - look into hiring a fire expert as well. If you really want to prove your case, you'll need independent verification that the fire was not deliberately set or the result of negligence on your part. If you need a referral to a national fire expert, give me a shout offline and I'll shoot you the name of someone recommended to me by FEMA.