Toxic on Hot Side Anna - Tuesday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
OK - Toxic and I met up at 0600 and stood around in 48 degree weather talking for a while before we hit the water. Typcial morning going right to Dike 2 (I live at Dike 2) where we hit them pretty good on Senko's. About 14 between two of us. Water temp was 80 degrees. Decided to go hit Dike 1 which is where the Power Plant is and Tox went straight to his duck blind honey hole (ooops - I gave away a secret - LOL) I went to the dike and found the water temp at 93 degrees. Caught 1 and that was it. Decided the water was too hot so we moved on. Hit a couple of other places and caught a few. Went to a favorite of Toxic's (not to tell this time) and he broke off a BIG one TWICE under a dock. Started drop-shotting in an area where we had a swift current and picked up quite a few. All told we boated in excess of 30 for the day, including a few bluegills that just love Senko's. Weather hit the mid-80s by afternoon and was a gorgeous day on the water.



Fall season is upon us and they are definitely holding up on the rocks.
I should have charged royalties for that picture!
HAHAh look how calm that water is!!! Forgot what water looked like with no 5 footers on it!!!

Nice fish guys, Can I come play when I get back from Okinawa?
Congrats on the TX CIII and Mike. We are waiting for you on the hot side. Cancel your trip to Oki and come play. When you get back we have have our own TX without the 5 footers. I get to fish the hot side again?? I'm thinking some time during January to April when the water is still hard here or just plain to cold! In can always stay at my place to fish Champlain....I have a couple of extra bedrooms and enough driveway to park a few rigs.

Bob G.
Bob - You are always welcome to the hot side again. You don't have to wait for your water to get hard to visit us. Just let me know when you are around and we will set you up and see if we can get a crew together. Our water is a long time off from gettin' hard. Temp was 93 last week when Tox and I were out!
Hey Bill,

Thanks man, but job may be awfully bad for me if I canx the trip to Oki!! HAHAHAHA Want anything from over there????