Tornados here already!!

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Bill Johnson

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Well we're already seeing Tornados coming from these storms One hit in Columbia, adn one just down the road in Cross SC....We're getting ready to batten down da hatches... ya'll take care if yer in this mess!!...
Take care Bill.....And tell the Wicked Witch of the East I said hello! Battendown and Get-R-Done!
Yeah Bill, they have the warning up here in the Charlotte area. We are getting soaked up here. By the time Saturday is over, we will be like drowned rats.

Keep the powder dry.

Tornados..ahhhhh....the Oklahoma Past Time....

I gotta credit my source for that lil pun...harpo told me that once.

This year you east coast guys (vs. us Atlanta folks) are REALY getting hit hard! Almost every heavy storm has moved north/south of the Atlanta area and then SLAMMED the Carolina's north!!

We're on the dry side this time and have no rain predicted for a few days.

Tex, Bill and everyone else up there, stay safe!

We had one this afternoon in Jacksonville caused lots of damage, and a few folks injured. We are suppose to get a piece Charlie on Friday Night/Saturday AM here in Jacksonville. Everyone in its path stay safe.

Well with the ground as saturated as it is and the prediction of winds and rain on Saturday here in VA (I'll get it before Barham does!!LOL), looks like we will be spending the day in our lower level "man cave" where the big screen and wet bar are. Last time one of these hurridingys blew through I had a 100 foot Hickory lay down in my yard about 25 feet from my house. Here is a pic. of just a small chunk of my land. Keep in mind it is 78 feet to the forest floor from my deck (where the picture was taken from). All of these trees are over 100 feet tall and these are the small ones. I HATE the fall leaf drop!! LOL!! And Yeah, that stream will come out of its banks if we get a lot of rain.

Dave - GREAT picture!! Nope wouldn't want to be fishing in that!!! LOL
Had a 8 point buck (still in velvet) out there last night. He's a brute!! Funny thing was that there was another buck running with him that had what looked like an antelope rack!?!? Two antlers that were about 3 feet long with no splits or tines just looked like tusks growing outta the top of his head? OK you deer hunters, what's up with that??????

What a great picture!

Toxic, I got up to go fishing this morning. It was a lazy drizzle but the sky looked scary. This "chicken" decided to stay home and now the sun is out.. Really, I stayed home because the guy who was going with me never showed up. I didn;t want to go alone. ***sigh***

The picture is from Isabelle last September. By the time I took this picture the water was down about 2-1/2 feet. All of those pier pilings you see were totally under water and that boathouse door was under water. The boat ramp is right next to that boathouse on the left side. The water was 8-1/2 feet above normal high tide.

Hey Harpo-doesnt the pic that Dave Sawicki posted look like hefner on a windy day? ok ok..maybe not that

Hey Tox,

Would that have been a "cow horned spike"

Down here they are considered genetically inferior.

Some say it is a very old buck that cannot produce a dynamic rack due to his age.

Yeah, I was told it wasn't a good thing. Kinda like old does will only produce doe fawns....hopefully somebody will take him out this season.


Any more problems with the shingle eating squirrels?

I fly in tomorrow in the evening to Dulles. Hope I can make it home and they do nto close the airport....
