Topwater frenzy at the Stick Marsh

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Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Date Fished: 5/13/03

Water Temperature: 78

Water Clarity: 2-3 feet

The weatherman said that it would be great, the boat was fueled, and we were primed to putting the Chug Bug to work. We started at daylight and fished until 2:30. A slightly magnified breeze kept us cool and an abundance of cooperating bass kept us on track.

It wasn't the blistering pace of some of our previous trips but the bite was steady and what we didn't get in quantity was absolutely made up in quality. Our first bass over 5 pounds tipped the Boga Grip at 7.5 pounds. She inhaled the Chug Bug when it was accurately placed in her hiding hole, well inside a hydrilla mat. With the wind blowing at 15 the cast by Scott was absolutely precise, the bass's hit was on the mark and then it was all up to me. Thank goodness for the 101 pounds of thrust as we beat our way into the mat and wrested this lady from her weedy hideout.

As I worked to get the boat back to open water my partner, (Scott), took advantage of me being busy and hit another hole a bit further back in the mat. I remember muttering something like "thanks!" when I heard the water explode and a grunt from the back deck. "She's a big one", Scott yelled, as he fought to keep her head up and out of the solid mat of hydrilla that separated her from the boat. I turned in time to see the massive head shaking as the big lady attempted to throw the bug. I brought the trolling motor up to all 101 pounds and pushed our way towards her as quickly as I could. Scott did an excellent job of keeping her up and within a minute or two she came into the boat.

Out came the Boga Grip, the camera and smiles all around. The grand Dame weighed in at just short of 11.5.

By days end we had boated 59 cooperating bass and probably missed half again as many. Several came when the bug was sitting still including the big one for the day but most hit as the bug moved along at a walk.

The top water bite is here and it's strong. Give us a call and we will be more than glad to get you out there. We have quite a few openings for May and June so don't be bashful.

See you on the water. Say hi if you get the chance.
I think that fish ate my dog!!

And on a topwater at that. That must have looked like a huge hole opening in the water to suck down that chug bug. Topwater bites are the best. I just wish I would get one like that!

I told myself dont look at this post and what did I do, aahhhhhh, it could eat my poor little chichichauwawaa. Dang nice fish 59 huh, 11.5 huh , oh I feel ill, got dinkitis, feel a fever coming on. never even landed one over 5, woows me.
Nice fish. The chug bug did well for me too. I caught a limit down the road on Alligator Lake in a tourney on
Heck it could it my dog Elvis a 80lb. bloodhound! Nice fish man!
