Took the Family out Today!

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Al Greco

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2001
Reaction score
Took the wife and kids for the evening. I bought some worms and they caught a bunch of sunfish. I actually left all the bass gear at home. We had a good time and snapped a few pictures.
Here is one of my son, he can really reel them in and he just turned 2. I think I have a fishing buddy for life!
Memories for the kids that last a life time. Nice family. Enjoy:):)
Thanks everyone for the compliments on the family. My girl loves to go fishing but the little guy picked up reeling them in on his own before he was 2. He's also an early riser like me so I can see a future full of getting to the lake for the morning bite. The only bad thing I noticed is that when they got upfront I was constantly worrying that they would fall overboard. Told the wife I might trade in the boat in a year or two and get somthing more family friendly. I can't fathom not having a bass boat though, maybe she will let me have two boats..........? My wife outfishes me everytime we go out, I need to bring her as a partner to one of my tournaments!
Great looking family, Al!! Don't worry about the kids in front so long as they have their PFD's on. My son has the same one as your son. He hasn't fallen in, but we've been swimming with him in it. The vest does great at holding up his 36.5 pounds! Like you, I'm looking forward to the day when he and I spend most of our free mornings on a quiet stretch of water!

Great Pics Al, share more over the years!!!

You KNOW the reason I bought my PC 175 instead of the PT 175 was exactly what you are talking about with the kids. You could always get a 18-19 fish/ski if she won't let you have 2 boats!!!

But if your son is 2 and likes to fish, it won't be too long before he is on the rear deck by himself. Eli, almost 6 now, LOVES getting up on my short rear deck to cast and catch fish. Lifejacket on always of course.
