Took my 6 year old

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john allen2

Active Member
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
Fishing sunday. The wind was blowing hard so we tried to stay out of the wind. Caught a lot of Sand bass about 40 to 50 ( White Bass) a couple of small stripers and some Bass. The biggest bass was 4.5lbs. Caught them on buzz baits. My 6 year old loves him some topwater. The only bad part of the day is when he accidentally kicked my rod and reel in the lake. The rod and reel was only 6 months old. COuld not have one of my old ones...

Great time John, but a bummer on the rod and reel.....never happens to the old stuff though!
Go easy on him, it happens. I keep a #2 treble with a weight tied to the bottom of it to retrieve rods with. Kinda crazy sounding but it works. I retrieved one in March with it. Back off a little and cast across and pull it across the bottom, and if you remembered where it went down you can get it back. Sometimes you will have move to change the angle so you can pick up the line, but surprisingly it is pretty easy if you pay close attention where it went down. Seems like every 4-5 yrs I knock one over myself. Been pretty lucky at getting them back.
I have only had the boat since August and never one that would go over 35mph. I had my plastic tasckle box on the deck and I start to run WOT. Well that plastic box came back and hit me right in the head ( left a gash) and into the water. My son was with me and starts laughing.

I thought about going in after my rod but 68 degrees is to cold for me. I marked it with my gps so who knows...hopefully when we go back I can find it. We did have a good time..someone will probably catch it before I do.. I just hate to buy a new rod when this one was new...probablt won't be the last time it happens...I'm going to try that #2 treble hook thing..let you know how it works.

I had a catfish dump a brand new Nitro combo into the Potomac last winter...had not even attached a hook or sinker to the rod.....