Todd..... 6mos old 901

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Bill Johnson

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Todd I read a post about you having a problem on your 6 month old 901. Please do me a favor and send me a picture of your Keel protector.... If it's one of ours I will personally take care of this matter for you. Please send the pic to [email protected] or [email protected]
Todd, does it have several "ribs" down it? I'm pretty sure BPS puts on Tech5 if memory serves (at least from the factory). The ribs down it (very noticable if you've ever looked at it) would indicate that it could be a Keelshield. No ribs, and it's not a Keelshield.

I've NEVER heard of an unhappy Keelshield customer. I've heard of adhesion issues or wear-through that were ALL taken care of, no questions asked. The adhesion issues are related to not following the instructions and putting it on too cold. The only wear through I've heard of was a guy who ran into some rocks (not beaching the boat)
I might just have to try me one of those after the way I have seen Bill respond!! A lot of my clients ask me about this type of product.

I'm ordering one on Monday. With the deal they are giving us here on NTOWS through the next week and with the customer service I've seen Bill give, Keelshield is a no-brainer.

I missed the deal for a keelshield? scwildbill, will you let me know what it is? I just bought a 99 Nitro 205F/S

it's pictured in my library.
Geo, just tell Bill that you have a Keelshield that's falling off and he'll send you a freebie :). They really seem to be some stand-up folks.
Todd, go with Skeeter, not Ranger. Why would you want to go slower?
Todd...When you get the boat back please snap a picture of the keel protector and if it's ours I will take care of it for you....If any of you guys are interested in ordering one you can either contact BPS, Cabellas or Triton1a (1-800-447-2178) for the deals. Mike Snow Thanks for the plug but it's a little more "Involved" than just saying you have one that's falling I need a picture for proof that it's one of ours and that it's actually falling Don't want to be replacing the competitions under our Warranty!! this day and age of digital cameras and the internet, It's easy to provide excellent customer service with just one email and a pic...

You are fast getting a great reputation for a good solid sense of humor AND good customer service...