To Members re: Nominal's Laura

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
I'd like to suggest that we do another "Get Well Card Mailing" to Laura as we did a few months ago.

I think she's about 12 or 13 now?

I have their address but am not at all comfortable with just posting it..... So.....

If you want it, send me an e-mail with "Laura/NTOWS" in the title line so that I won't delete it as junk mail and I'll return their address to you.

Also, please include your screen name in the e-mail - I don't want to send it to someone I don't recognize.

[email protected]

God Bless!


Please keep booting this post to the top of the board during the day..... Let's keep the USPS healthy!
me! Count me in, you've got my email address just send me the info.

On it's way, Mark and Michael!

I'm off to work; I'll respond to all others after midnight tonight!

God Bless!


Sounds like a great idea! Will contact you by email for the info.

Harpo has made the best offer yet!


I'm not sure if it is generous....

Or self-serving.....

He's sending Laura his 14 year old son!
On the way, Richard!

Everyone, you all are Great!

God Bless!

Card went out this morning, bump to the top.
another bump.

To those of you unfamiliar with the story.....

Laura has been suffering for several years now with colitus (sp?) and had been in and out of the hospital numerous times in the last two years that we have known about her condition. The stays are generally long ones.

It takes so little effort for us to bring a little bit of cheer into this young lady's life!

God Bless!

WOW. Thanks guys. You are truely great people. Laura will appreciate everything.

Thank you very much Scott. If you ever need anything, just let me know

Laura has been suffering with a disease called ulcerative colitis for about 2 1/2 years. It is a disease similar to chron's, but only attacks the large intestine(colon). She had Ileostomy surgery on Tuesday. However they did not remove the rectum, only the large intestine and rectum liner. She will have another surgery in about 3 months called Ileoanal anastomosis, which they will reconnect her small intestine directly to her rectum. At this time she has a pouch on her side.

I am pleased to announce that she is recovering very well. They have removed all tubes that she had, ie.. catheter, and the one down her throat to drain her stomach. She only has the I V now. She is getting out of bed for short periods of time now. She is only twelve and the big question is, How much of pubity did she miss. This disease, along with the medicine, stunts your growth. With the colon removed, she will now start growing again.

Please pray that she did not miss much.

Thanks again for all the support. And Scott, thanks for thinking of Laura, and all you do for everone. People like you make this world a great place.

Robert Spradley

PS Scott, I do not mind if my address is posted. Cards and BPS extreme rods may be sent to:

Laura Spradley

2344 Justin Rd W

Jacksonville, Fl. 32210

Nominal--I glad to see you have kept your sense of humor .That's a good sign that all will be ok.

My best wishes to Laura,I hope she puts all those BPS extreme rods to good use :)

LOL @ the "Extreme" comment!

Laura is a very fortunate young lady to have you for a father, Robert!
