To be a kid again...

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
I certainly fell into that statement this weekend. I had alot of fun playing with all the kids and acting like one too. I took 7 kids fishing at a pond and they had alot of fun catching bluegill and little bass. It's nice to pass on the love and excitement of fishing.


The heck with fishing.....

Let's get some ice cream! :) :) :) :) :) :) ...where's my insulin..................

Way to go, Teri!

Everyone should take a kid fishing that doesn't have someone else to take them!

Think of how great the world could be if we all practiced such little things.....
You are a big kid Teri:lol:

Did ya' show them boys how to clean and cook those bluegills ?:lol::p
My nephews were in town for the race so I got to babysit them all weekend. The other 5 kids belong to a friend of mine and that's usually where I stay when I come back to Indy. Her husband and I end up having to bait all the hooks and take off all the fish but we don't keep them Tee.
Mighty tasty though:p Gonna have some bluegill cocktail tonite:lol: