To anyone I affended in Rochester NY

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Steve Dear

Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
I wanted to thank everyone for the usefull info i recieved on my boat & with fishing over the past few months. I regret to inform you that I will no longer be able to post any fishing information.

I guess I didn't realize how competative amatuer fishing was. I was informed that sharing information with mostly people that live hundreds & thousands of miles away is not proper.

I'm sorry if I let out any secrets in the process. Although i'm sure that there are lots of local fisherman waiting by there computers for the chance that i may post some information that turns them into the next greatest angler.

I guess in my sheltered eyes fishing was about having fun with friends & family. If this is what Tournament fishing is about I defanetly don't need that. I have enough stress with work & family.....thats why I started fishing.

Again i'm sorry if i affended anyone.....but if that is the case maybe you should reavaluate whats important in life.

Thanks everyone else for the help & i'm sorry you had to listen to my rant.
Steve, who did you offend and really, what are you talking about? Who informed you that whatever you were doing is wrong? I just don't understand..

Bill i affended a local Bass fisherman with a post i submitted last week

It's kind of an inside thing......only the other guy would understand.

Again i'm sorry you had to read it. My remarks were ment to be sarcastic.

I'm not sure they came off that way. sorry
Steve move to Champlain I will need all the help I can get in

Like any group of people there are the good, the bad and the ugly. Don't ket one or two buttheads change the way you fish or share information. Granted BASS has a 30 day off limit for tournament waters, but that just means I can't look, not that you can't post. Tournament fishing can be fun, with the right class of people. I posted this last year, I fished with, around about 300 people last year tournament wise and only saw 1 ok 2 I did never want to see again. Now if you were in Michigan I would understand......Kidding of course

ROFL @ Steve R! :lol: :lol:

NYSteve, Welcome to the club! :)

I keep a list so that I can be sure to offend someone new every day! :p

Some on the list I offend every day! :rolleyes:

What would life be without having someone pissed at ya?!!? :lol: