Nitro Owners Forum

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Casey Campbell

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score

Since the domain is "", and of course, tin is in, shouldn't the board be called "Tracker and Nitro Owners Web Site"?

Just a post to get you glass guys all riled up and say, "We miss you Rich."

Thanks for the site, bro.

Even Rich nows Glass kicks ass and tin is an after thought....that's why HE runs a 'glass rig...LOL
Mac nailed it. You can also get here by typing in your browser.
Since Rich and the others have been doing time, I'm sure he kept an eye on us. Sort of like watching your kids in the yard interacting with the neighbor kids. I'm sure by now he might have a couple of names he would like to call us. Hope he doesn't pull the plug.

Da Bear
Naaww,....Rich loves us!!...LOL!!! Just had to dole out a few "time outs" for the neighbor kids!!
Yeah, I planted this one out there because I knew Rich was in a 700, and I was thinking the "time outs" should be coming to an end sometime soon. You know I love you sparkly, glass guys! Anyone know the exact date of the release?
